President Susilo Bambang Yudoyono (SBY) will end his second office term in 2014, and according to the amended Constitution of Indonesia, he cannot be nominated again as candidate in the next presidential election.
Although until now there is still no one who seems to be good enough to be the next president of Indonesia, but I am very certain that there is one person out of the 240 million population who is eligible to take that job.
In this regards, I would like to share with you an article that I have read in Kompas about the nomination of the Chief of the Constitutional Court Mahfud MD and Director of the International Monetary Fund Sri Mulyani as Presidential candidates.
As Indonesian citizens, both of them may be nominated as Presidential candidates if they fulfill requirements stipulated by the Presidential Election Law among others should be nominated by one or more political parties that won enough votes in the 2014 General election.
As far as I know, Sri Mulyani is not a member of a political party, while Mahfud is a former official of the National Awakening Party (PKB).
What do you think ?
Related articles :
- Mahfud MD - Sri Mulyani President 2014-2018 (Blog)
- MMD - SMI 4 President (Facebook)
such as an enclosed card. too difficult to guess the number 9.
maybe men are more resistant to time as this oscillation
who is the current president? :o how come people are considering other candidates so early on?
@Wisata Murah,
Let us hope there will be other new faces who will join the 2014 election
@Furree Katt,
The current President SBY will end his office term in 2014.
Citizens may be nominated by in the end the election commission will decide whether they are eligible.
jangan ampe salah pilih.
Anda benar, kita jangan sampai salah pilih. Kita harus telitih melihat dan mendengar tentang masing2 kandidat.
What can I say - I'm not even entitled to vote...
Well, these apparently are two able potential candidates. Based on the scanty present information I have. I tend to prefer Sri Mulyani though. However the deciding factor should be the political program that they will present.
On the other hand - what am I talking about. I'm not even a entitled to vote :).
Hi Colson,
Beside the political programs of the candidates, their professional and non professional track records must also be taken into account.
Would it be possible for a candidate not backed by a major political party to make an impression?
hem... aku pribadi sebenernya gak terlalu ngurusin dan gak terlalu berharap juga kedepannya ada sosok penuh dedikasi yg akan menggantikan Pak SBY menjadi Presiden... tapi klo yg disandingkan 2 calon diatas, sepertinya agak cocok juga hhe... soalnya yg satu biarpun berhenti jadi mentri Keuangan tapi sekarang malah ngurusin Bank Dunia, yg satunya lagi bener2 di sorot gara2 kasus Korupsi, salutlah sama 2 orang diatas...
semoga ada pengganti yg penuh dedikasi aja lah..
Maaf baru bisa berkunjung lagi soabt... semangat n sukses slalu :)
According to our law a candidate president must be nominated by major party (ies).
Bagi rakyat yang utama adalah bahwa presiden harus dapat mempimpin secara tegas, arif, bijaksana dan mengabdi sepenuhnya pada kepentingan bangsa dan negara.
Mas Kholiq,
Thank you for your visit and comment.
May the real choice of Indonesians wins. And your next president will work for the good of the people.
Wait and see....
maybe, it's just too early to consider who's the next president. we still have 3 years. hehehe..
Let us hope so.
Yes, Pak, all we have to do is wait and see.
For ordinary matters, 3 years can be a long time. But for selecting a president who will rule 240 million people for 5 years, I think it is not too long.
They've always got you Harry. Honesty and integrity is a good place to start!
Hi Peter/Kiwi,
I agree that honesty and integrity of the candidates are important factors.
kalau dari sisi kompetensi, kedua sosok ini bisa juga masuk dalam bursa RI I, mas harry. tapi politik di indonesia kan selalu anomalis? hehe ... sehebat apa pun seorang calon, akan keok oleh para petualang dan maklar politik yang suka obral duwit.
Mas Sawali,
Tepat sekali, bagaimanapun hebatnya seorang pemimpin dan walaupun mendapat dukungan sangat kuat dari rakyat, pada akhirnya harus kompromi dengan kekuatan lain terutama yang menguasai uang.
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