Cigarettes manufacturers seemed to have very strong influence on the government that efforts to impose a total ban on cigarette advertisements and sponsorship will surely fail.
The Jakarta Globe reported that the Health Ministry has announced on Friday that clauses regarding total ban on cigarette advertisement and sponsorship have to be deleted from the draft of implementation regulation of the Health Law of 2009.
The head of the Ministry's Legal Bureau i.e. Budi Sampurno, was quoted as saying that after considering the importance of many sectors, the Ministry have decided not to ban cigarette ads and sponsorship, but would only control it.
Budi said the planned ban was hampered by two existing laws i.e the Press Law and the Broadcasting Law which allowed advertising as long as cigarettes or their packaging were not shown on television.
I am not surprised about this report, how about you ?
No, not surprised. It just confirms Indonesia's government is not in the vanguard of the worldwide campaign against smoking ( nevertheless I'm sure it ultimately will join this "crusade" - which by the way sometimes is over the top in my opinion).
Well, maybe they are not up to the campaign yet. What about other countries?
In the Philippines when a legislation was passed imposing a ban on cigarettes. The tobacco planters aired their side they will lose their jobs. For now the ban was set aside.
I'd be surprised if the government dared to ban tobacco advertising
kabar ini membuat seakan-akan indonesia tak bisa hidup tanpa rokok :(
saya juga terkejut.....
ini membuat perokok makin meraja rela.....
Ah... rokok itu hanya merusak tubuh saja...
saya harap orang2 berhenti merokok.. apalagi yang suka merokok didepan orang banyak...
It is difficult for the Indonesian government to support campaign against smoking. Too many at stakes: tax income from sales of cigarette, their factory employs lots of people, tobacco planters, etc.
Yeah, maybe we should learn how other countries are coping with this matter.
Hmmmm ... the Philippines is facing the same problem.
@Wisata Murah,
I think you are right.
Secara tidak langsung sepertinya demikian.
@Mas Kholiq,
Yang diuntungkan adalah pabrik rokok, pedagang rokok dan pemerintah (dari pajak).
Saya sangat setuju dengan anda, pemerintah harus melindungi orang2 yang tidak merokok sesuai hukum.
Hem... susah memang, dan sebagai orang yg dulu juga adalah Perokok Aktif, aku rasa Rokok emank mau di banned kaya gimana pun ya tetep gak akan bisa dihilangkan dari kebiasaan masyarakat hhe... malah terakhir kubaca anak SMP di Yogya 18% nya adalah perokok semua hhe..
Not surprised, too.
There's no way the government would ban tobacco advertising, because the largest tax revenue at this time instead of tobacco companies..!!
Walaupun susah tapi harus dimulai antara lain dengan melarang iklannya
Yes pak, its no surprising.
You are right, but the ads should be minimized.
well, i think it would be unfair on the cigarette companies if they were not allowed to advertise their products at all. i think basic rights to advertise products should be given to every company/industry, and in the case of harmful things like cigarettes and alcohol, it should be controlled.
@Furree Katt,
That's the reason why the regulation cannot ban cigarette ads, because it would be contradictory to other laws which allowed such ads.
persoalan iklan rokok agaknya selalu mengalami tarik-ulur, mas harry. pemerintah pun punya kepentingan, demikian juga dari kalanganm pengusaha. hmmm .... mudah2an ada solusi terbaik.
Benar mas, mudah-mudahan ada solusi.
The thing is, if a certain industry helps your economy, why do you need to ban ads about it? They can just focus on exporting these products so they can at least help their economy.
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