Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Lapindo Hot Mud Flow is Now 5 Years Old

On 28 May 2006, PT Lapindo Brantas targeted Gas in the Brantas area, East Java, by drilling a borehole well.

In the first stage of drilling the drill string first went through a thick clay seam, then sands, shales, volcanic debris and finally into permeable carbonate rocks. At this stage the borehole was surrounded by a Protective Steel Casing to help stabilise it.

One day later, a second stage of drilling began and the drill string went deeper to about 2,834 meter, this time without a Protective Steel Casing, after which water, steam and a small amount of Gas erupted at a location about 200 meter Southwest of the Well.

In spite of the above, PT Lapindo Brantas and some foreign geological experts said in various scientific meetings that the Hot Mud Flow was caused by an earthquake that hit Yogjakarta on 27 May 2006. However, the company agreed to pay compensation.

Today, the Mud Flow is slowing down five years after it swallowed 12 villages, 30 factories, dozens of shops and a busy highway near the country's second largest city of Surabaya. Twelve people have been killed, but many more lives have been wrecked. Some 40,000 people have been forced out of their homes by the inexorable ooze.

Many of the victims said they still have not been paid all of the compensation they were promised five years ago by PT Lapindo Brantas, a company part of the business empire controlled by the family of Golkar Party Chief Aburizal Bakrie.

For that reason, the people of Sidoarjo recently protested against the plan by PT Lapindo Brantas to drill new Gas well in the area.

Considering that until now we still do not know when will the Lapindo Hot Mud will stop flowing, I hope that the authorities would not allow new drilling operations in the area. 

Sources :
Sidoarjo mud flow (Wikipedia)
Five years on, Indonesia's mud volcano still erupting (AsiaOne News)
Warga Tolak Pengeboran Baru Lapindo (Media Indonesia)


Unknown said...

I hope the decision maker is still promote conscience

colson said...

Those who were in charge at the time (companies, authorities and individual board-members and managers) should be held ( should have been held a long time ago) accountable for the catastrophe.

Those who are the victims of irresponsible and incompetent behaviour which caused the tragedy, should receive ( should have received already)generous financial compensation and extensive apologies.

The fact that apparently no one had the guts to "plead guilty" and publicly recognise his responsibility and that at the same time victims have been left in the lurch, seem to indicate that those who should give examples of decent and good behaviour rather indulge in shamelessness and insolence- and can get away with it.

Ferdinand said...

Ini emank salah satu masalah yg gak pernah selesai di negri ini.... maklum banyak yg punya kepentingan di dalamnya termasuk Aburizal bakrie kan salah satu pemiliknya :D

Semoga aja pemerintah bisa lebih cepet mengurus masalah ini, klo gak bisa2 Sidaorjo jadi Kota Lumpur semua..

Met akhir pekan kawan... :D

Jakartass said...

I can but agree with all the above. Today I describe Bakrie as a 'politicaster' - a newly discovered word which means a 'petty and contemptible politician.'

Jolly Princess said...

This is a sad story Harry. I hope those people behind this giant corporation will have their conscience. Damage to properties could be restored. Lost of lives cannot be compensated by any amount of money. We can only alleviate the suffering for the time being. But the damage cause when a life is lost is irreparable.

ibnu said...

Semoga pemerintah sadar akan hal ini

Unknown said...

@Wisata Murah,
Let us hope that the government still has conscience.

The fact that Lapindo is owned and controlled by family of Aburizal Bakrie of Golkar whose political support is badly needed by President SBY and his ruling Democrat Party caused mishandling of this tragedy.
Thanks to SBY's weakness, Lapindo has turned this human error tragedy into a natural disaster therefore should be government's responsibility. Now the victims are demanding government's responsibility.

Anda benar yang penting saat ini adalah menganti kerugian para korban dan mencari cari untuk menghentikan aliran lumpurnya.

That's an interesting nama :
'politicaster' - a newly discovered word which means a 'petty and contemptible politician.'
I am glad to see you again J. I wish your comment policy would not be so strict that it rejected my comments. But I'll visit your blog again.

You are right, lost of life cannot be compensated. And the destruction
of large area of land cannot be tolerated thus should be stopped.

Iya, semoga demikian adanya.

Anonymous said...

Lapindo oh Lapindo

Jakartass said...

Sorry if you've been blocked, but it hasn't been my doing. That may have been whist I was suffering a malware attack.

Now the first comment is moderated and once I've approved it, then all subsequent ones should get through.

Please email me if you're blocked again.

Unknown said...

Memang sangat menyedihkan keadaannya.

Thank you for your explanation. Actually I faced similar difficulty with other blogs. Others have also company about my comment box.
I'll visit your interesting blog and comment.

Yari NK said...

Harry I'm not sure anymore whether this catastrophe is natural or man-triggered, to be fair and square. I had heard the arguments made by geologists both local and foreign that favoured Lapindo, but alas I hadn't heard the ones that disapproved of Lapindo. I am not sure whether those experts were paid by Lapindo or not to testify for the company giant. Or maybe, the truth is that the catastrophe was triggered partly by natural causes and partly by Lapindo's faulty operations.

But no matter what caused it, those who had lost their possessions must have received handsome compensations either from the company or from the government. Who else must restore the lost possessions to those poor innocent people?

Setyo-Utomo Said said...

No new drilling operation ! I fully agree with you, mas Harry.

Unknown said...

Now that the tragedy has been going on for 5 years and Lapindo has been able to get local and international experts testifying that it was a natural disaster, PLUS government's reluctance to ask Lapindo to be 100% responsible, we can say that this is 50% man made disaster and 50% natural disaster.

Yes pak, the area has been proven to be volcanic, more drilling operations would expand the hot mud flow.

deeahzone said...

Dalam hal ini Lapindo dinyatakan tidak bersalah atas kejadian lumpur ini, sayangnya tangging jawab mereka kepada korban lumpur sampai saat ini belum tuntas dan terbengkalai. Semoga mereka korban lumpur cepat mendapat hak mereka yang kehilangan semuanya. Thanks Harry Nizam for share!

Unknown said...

Semua ini bisa terjadi karena penanganan masalahnya setengah hati. Lapindo, dengan dukungan keterangan beberapa ahli geologi dari dalam dan luar negeri, menyatakan peristiwa tsb adalah bencana alam jadi tanggung jawab pemerintah. Tapi mereka mau membayar uang tertentu.
Sementara pemerintah menganggap penyebabnya adalah kesalahan Lapindo.

attayaya-songket said...

5 tahun yg mengecewakan
aaaah ntar lagi perushaan itu akan berpproduksi gas karena mereka berhasil mengusir masyarakat disekitarnya

Unknown said...

Selama 5 tahun ini mereka tidak dipersalahkan atas tragedi tsb. dan pemerintah memberi izin baru untuk bor gas lagi didaerah tsb. maka sepertinya akan ada pemboran lagi.

TUKANG CoLoNG said...

semoga ga melebar..

sawali tuhusetya said...

walah, mas harry, luka lama saja masih belum sembuh, malah mau bikin luka baru. sungguh, saudara2 kita di sidoarjo sdh merasakan dahsyatnya lumpur panas lapindo. butuh kearifan dari para pengambil kebijakan agar pengalaman pahit itu tak terulang kembali.

Unknown said...

Agar tidak melebar maka sebaiknya tidak diperbolehkan pengeboran didaerah tersebut dan sekitarnya.

Benar mas, selama semburan lumpur panas masih belum terhenti, pertangung jawaban dan kompenasasi
belum selesai, sebaiknya jangan ada pengeboran baru.

smp 3 lembang said...

Entah sampai kapan penduduk korban Lumpur LAPINDO akan menderita , sementara kerugian akibat lumpur juga semakin meningkat tiap tahunnya

Fahrizi Noer Fajar Azman said...

sedih saya mendengar berita nya...
pejabat2 pemerintahan malah sibuk dengan masalah Politik (yang tak pernah selesai)

Bukan nya mengurusi rakyat...

semoga saja lumpur lapindo cepat berhenti...

Unknown said...

Semoga aliran lumpurnya segera berhenti dan kering kembali.

Semoga masalahnya segera selesai agar rakyat setempat bisa hidup tenang kembali.

Meutia Halida Khairani said...

it's been 5 years already. hmm.. sidoardjo mud sometime affected tourist to visit the area.

hope this problem will end soon or at least the mud stop flowing.

Unknown said...

Yes, what we can do right now is hope that hot mud flow would stop or at least decrease.