In an effort to increase the efforts to eradicate the widespread corruption in Indonesia, the Supreme Court has planned to build one Corruption Court in every province.
Pos Kota quoted the Chief Justice Harifn Tumpa as saying that at present there are already 18 Coruption Courts in 18 provinces, therefore we still need 12-14 more. And he is very optimistic that they will all be ready by the end of this year, because the budged for that is ready.
Considering that there are so many Corruption cases involving local government officers in the provinces, I agree that the existence of Corruption Courts in every provinces would help expedite the handling of Corruption in those provinces.
In order to do that, the said Courts and local law enforcement agencies should be ready, and highly qualified, tough Court Judges and officers, as well as KPK, Prosecutors and Police must also be available.
Frankly speaking, I am not sure that preparations for all that can be completed within a very short time.
The Court Houses maybe ready by the end of this year, but how about highly qualified and tough Court Judges and officers, and law enforcement officers ?
yupz,, semua yang sudah mengerogoti bangsa ini dari semua lini harus ganti digerus... apapun itu modus korupsi atau penipuan terhadap rakyt bangsa ini..
Considering that there are so many Corruption cases involving local government officers in the provinces,
I agree that the existence of Corruption Courts in every provinces would help expedite the handling of Corruption in those provinces.
Wisata Murah,
Saya setuju bahwa korupsi sudah menguasai kehidupan bangsa kita.
Tapi mari kita tetap berpikir positif bahwa pada akhirnya korupsi akan dapat dibasmi.
Wah ngeri nih artiannya
Yes, let us hope that the Court Judges and officers, as well as law enforcement agencies would be ready to do their very best to fight corruption.
Memeriahkan Pesta ....
Mudah2an realisasinya berjalan mulus
corruption is always exist until the end of the world :)
jangankan itungannya per propinsi, per keluarga pun bisa aja terjadi..
And will there be a corruption court to deal was corruption cases by members of the 27 regional courts also? :)
By the way: I share your doubts about the planning. They better take some extra time to guarantee good staffing and good organization.
@Aulawi Ahmad,
Basically people who has power have the potential to corrupt. If there is no control it is almost certain that they will corrupt.
So let us do what we can to help control people in power.
Memang demikian, tapi kalau menyangkut uang negara itu menyangkut kepentingan rakyat.
A Very good question : who will keep an eye on the corruption courts ?
Note: we now have 32 provinces.
semoga mereka malah ga jadi oknum memeras org lain
atau malah menambah jumlah anggota mafia hukum
Itu bisa terjadi kalau para hakim dan pejabat pengadilan korupsi beserta penegak hukum di provinsi yang bersangkutan tidak siap karena pembentukannya di'kebut', sehingga asal2an jadinya.spil
kapan yua negeri ini bisa terbebas dari laten korupsi??? Nice share Harry Nizam.
"Bahaya laten korupsi" adalah istilah yang sangat tepat untuk menjelaskan betapa berbahyanya korupsi bagi bangsa dan negara.
mudah2an negara ini tidak berprestasi untuk masalah korupsi....
Ayel Bertuah,
Mudah2an korupsi bisa diberantas dalam waktu tidak lama lagi.
Terima kasih anda telah follow di GFC. Saya akan follow balik.
koruptor harus dihukum berat jangan divonis ringan dan mendapat remisi
Seharusnya hakim pengadilan mau menjatuhkan hukuman terberat, termasuk hukuman mati. Toh, koruptor tsb bisa naik banding, lalu kasasi dan paling akhir bisa minta grasi.
Yang penting ada niat lebih serius sehingga koruptor takut.
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