A recent public opinion survey conducted by Indo Barometer shows that the late former President Soeharto is more popular than President Susilo Bambang Yudoyono (SBY).
The survey, conducted from 24 April until 4 May 2011 on 1,200 respondents in 33 provinces of Indonesia, shows that 36.5% choose Soeharto as the most favorite President of the country, 20.9 % choose SBY, 9.8% choose the late President Soekarno, 9.8% choose former President Megawati, 4.4% choose former President Habibie and 4.3% choose the late former President Abdurrachman Wahid.
Beside that, the survey also show that 40.9% of the respondents prefer the condition during Soeharto's New Order regime, compared to only 22.8% who preferred the so called post 21 May 1998 Reformasi Era.
In reaction to that survey result, Presidential Palace spokesman questioned the reliability of the respondents, who are they, what are the parameters of the survey.
As a person who has experienced living during the Soeharto era, I felt that the above survey result is not accurate because it was only conducted on 1,200 respondents in 33 provinces, no details about the respondents like their ages, do they know that Soeharto was a ruthless authoritarian ruler, et cetera.
In my opinion, the survey should be carried out on at least 100 respondent per province (total 3,300), they should at least be 17 years old when Soeharto stepped down 13 years ago, their education level should be mentioned, they should be explained that Soeharto was a ruthless authoritarian ruler, while President SBY is a liberal democratic ruler.
selalu ada yang mengambil kesempatan.
survei itu gemana ya tolak ukurnya.. saya sendiri kurang begitu memahami jalan pikiran para orang pintar kita yang sudah membantu memporak porandakan bangsa kita ini..
disetiap kepemimpinan pasti ada plus minusnya. karena seperti kodrat tidak ada yg sempurna
sebenarnya apa yang dicari.. beri solusikan lebih bermanfat. dari pada menghujat.. tul ga..?hehe
Wisata Murah,
Survey sebaiknya dilakukan secara fair dengan memperhatikan kondisi yang khusus maupun umum dari orang2 yang disurvei. Apalagi kalau ingin membandingkan 2 pemimpin yang berbeda, perlu lebih hati2 lagi.
It don't think the results of the poll (survey) is that amazing or unlikely. Unfortunately neither is the immediate denial by the political elite.
Reasoning the results of the survey away and making it irrelevant, would not be wise. There is obviously a problem - the size of which has not been probed beyond doubt though.
Yet if a very substantial part of the population expresses it's discontent, it's about time the people in charge should at least try to understand. I guess it's not ( just) their public relations or communication with the electorate whicht went wrong( that's what democratic politicians under siege usually say/think).
I bet people expected too much and the government promised too much but didn't bring it off at all.
So probably government and president should do some introspection, critically assess the situation and mend their policies (limiting inequality, building a welfare state, establishing a real state of law, protecting people from violence)
Bagi saya SBY masih lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan Soeharto..
Kediktatoran Soeaharto tidak bisa diterima..
yang jelas saya masih suka SBY karena saya baru bisa bekerja di jaman beliau dulu waktu sebelum reformasi saya susah banget dapat pekerjaan, terlepas dari beberapa kekurangan tetapi tidaklah mungkin masa orde baru lebih baik dari sekarang
Harry, those who favour Soeharto over the other presidents consider the economy factor as the main reason. They don't see other factors such as democracy, freedom of speech and the likes as important as the economy. Or perhaps they are frustrated by what they watch on TV about corruption getting more and more uncontrolled though it is not necessarily correct. They don't realise that in Soeharto era the media did not have access on the information of corruption especially that was committed by high-officials.
It is a pity that the survey is not broken down into details or else it could be a perfect feedback for all and sundry notably the current government.
But I agree with you on the reply to Wisata Murah that survey has to be conducted in a careful and fair way. We have to consider all things necessary before we come to the grand conclusion.
kalo aku jadi respondernya, aku juga akan menjawab soeharto.
karena saat ini terjadi demokrasi keblinger bagi yg ga siap berdemokrasi. Tujuan demokrasi bagus sih, cuma pelaksanaannya yg ga bagus pada beberapa golongan yg berakibat pada golongan lain.
iya sih, memang masih bagus rezim Soeharto... tapi kalau rezim nya Soeharto kan otoriter... kurang asik juga :D
In spite of the doubtful result of survey, SBY and his government must take it as a wake up call and realize people are not satisfied with their performances.
They should introspect themselves and be serious, work harder and smarter to provide better condition for development.
Beside freedom from hunger, people also need freedom from hunger, from lack of education, from lack of justice, from lack of welfare.
Mudah2an SBY dan pemerintahnya dapat memenuhi keinginan mayoritas rakyat.
@Munir Ardi,
Saya sependapat dengan anda, semoga
SBY dan pemerintahnya bisa tampil lebih baik.
Although democracy and freedom of speech is important, however there are more important things i.e. jobs, food, housing, education, security, justice, good governance.
Let us hope that the survey result no matter who doubtful it is, would make SBY and his government improve their performances.
Benar, demokrasi dan kebebasan bicara tidak akan membuat rakyat bebas dari lapar, haus, miskin dll.
Mudah2an kedepannya pemerintah akan menjadi lebih baik.
mas harry, hasil survey tak selalu menyajikan akurasi data yang valid. bahkan, konon kabarnya banyak lembaga survey dijadikan sebagai alat propaganda pihak2 tertentu utk membangun citra dan tujuan tertentu. wah, makin repot.
Halo Mas Sawali,
Saya sependapat dengan anda bahwa ada survey yang tujuannya cenderung untuk propaganda politisi tertentu.
Susahnya mas media di Indonesia senang sekali memberitakan hal-hal yang kontroversial, kalau bisa diolah lagi agar lebih heboh.
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