Saturday, August 13, 2011
Elephant Kills a Farmer in Aceh
Many forest area in the Province of Aceh, Sumatera, has been converted into commercial plantation and other use for many decades.
This continuous deforestation process has narrowed the area of forest as habitat of endangered Sumatera Elephant, making it possible for them to have direct contacts with human beings.
AFP reported that three people have been killed by an Elephant in the province in the last three months, the latest being a rubber tapper named Abdul Halim who was attacked while he was working last Thursday.
I hope this tragic incident would make the officials at the Ministry of Forestry stop giving permits for diversion of forest so that the Sumatera Elephants, which according the WWF now totals 3,500, can remain inside their habitat and would not go out and attack human beings.
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Department of Forestry should read this post
nice info
Tangan mencencang bahu memikul manusia menanggung perbuatan mereka sendiri terhadap Alam cuma kalau perusaahan besar yang berbuat dan rakyat kecil yang harus mati karena gajah rasanya gimana ya
No choice..What the elephants done is kind of protest to human being as consequence of what we done to their habitat...
Tp bener, miris juga jika yang menanggung akibat kemarahan adalah "orang kecil"..
Yupz..It should read by the he Ministry of Forestry...Happy Blogging!
sungguh, peristiwa ini sungguh menjadi "warning" berat buat para pengambil kebijakan di bidang pengelolaan hutan di aceh, mas harry. jangan2 lantaran eksploitasi hutan berlebihan tanpa memberikan ruang bagi satwa utk tumbuh dan berkembang, malah menimbulkan dampak tragis buat masyarakat sekitarnya.
It's very useful information. Thanks for sharing.
Assalamualaikum Harry,
That's indeed a small number left of the elephants. Serious measures to take to ensure safety for both the elephants and humans.
Thank you for visiting my blog Harry.Always so supportive.
Selamat berpuasa.Have a great Sunday.
I agree with you. Elephants are magnificent animals and deserve to have their homes protected.
Hi Harry, Perhaps those people seeking to destroy the habitat of the animals in Sumatra should watch Furry Vengeance, whilst light hearted it does get the message across that animals dont like to be messed with. I am not making light of the situation but man cant expect to keep destroying forest and expect the animals to keep moving on, especially if there is nowhere to move to.
Aku rasa bukan Gajah yg salah dalam hal ini, karena mereka cuma berusaha mempertahankan habitat mereka, mungkin masyarakat sana yang mestyi sedikit mikir agar gak mengeksploitasi satwa dan alam seenaknya sendiri...
As tragic as the fate of the killed man is, the species of mankind is not in danger but the species of the Sumatran Elephant ( and many other mammals and many kinds of in general) clearly is.
tragis banget...
saya yakin ini bukan salah gajah nya... mungkin habitat mereka sudah rusak...
i'm sorry to hear that :(
i'm always seeing an elephant around on the seulawah mountain when i go back to lhokseumawe from banda aceh. i never think that they now can harm people :(
alam mereka yg duluan dirusak, wajar jika mereka sekarang ke lingkungan manusia
@Wisata Murah,
I also hope so.
@Munir Ardi,
Ini semua akibat tidak jelasnya kebijakan tentang hutang yang menyebabkan penggundulan hutan sehingga penghuninya keluar.
Yes we can say that what the elephant has done is kind of protest against deforestration.
Terima kasih, selamat berpuasa.
Semoga kasus ini benar2 menjadi warning bagi pemerintah, mas Sawali.
I am glad that you like the post Pak.
Humans should fairly share nature with other God made creature, including the elephants.
Thank you for your continuous visit and comments on my blog Umi. It really means a lot to me.
Let us hope that the authority would also share our opnion.
Men must realize the importance of living side by side with and respect the rights of God's made creatures.
Semoga pihak berwenang juga menyadari apa yang anda sebutkan.
We can only hope that the authority would realize this.
Iya kalau huta sebagai habitat gajah tidak digunduli tentunya gajah tidak akan keluar hutan.
Yes it is really sad.
The elephant would not leave its habitat in the forest if the forest is not cut down.
Fakta tragisnya memang demikian.
habitat gajah diambil alih manusia, jadi gajah kekurangan "ruang"
jadi jangan salahkan gajah bila mereka berulah
Kalau dilihat dari sebab akibat maka yang salah adalah pemerintah yang membiarkan penggundulan hutan.
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