The sales of human organs is a growing issue in China and the government has so far failed to eliminate the practice.
There have been many reports of "transplant tourists" who come from rich countries to buy much-needed organs from the poor, desperate people.
The black-market trade is driven by the fact that there are many times more people waiting for organs than there are legitimate organ donors.
Kompas reported that a high school student in China's Anhui province, Xiao Zhang, has reportedly sold one of his Kidneys for 20,000 Yuan (US$ 3,170.00) so that he could buy an Apple iPad 2.
The student's mother later discovered the iPad 2 and forced him to reveal how he was able to afford to buy it. He then confessed that he was motivated to sell the Kidney after seeing an internet advertisement offering cash to people who want to become organ donors.
Afterward, the mother and son report the matter to the Police, however the agents who had organized the organ trade cannot be found. Police are reportedly trying to track down the buyers.
This is a tragedy, and I hope that it would not happen in Indonesia or other countries
ya ampun... lebih baik tak punya Ipad... dari pada harus badan yang di korbankan....
sampai segitu nya ya
Materialisme sudah sedemikian mengerikan efeknya.
It's horrible. Especially because in this case the motivation to donate his kidney was so trivial.
There also have been a number of worrying reports from India and in some cases from Eastern Europe, about the phenomenon. Usually these men and women made their decision because of poignant poverty.
It's a shame. Like all kinds of exploitation of the poor.
sampai segitunya ya.. makanya fakir itu sangat membahayakan keselamatan mental,diri dan lingkungan.sepahit apapu semoga itu hanya terjadi di negeri seberang itu...met mlm
Yes it is horrible, poverty can make people do unbelievable things.
@Wisata Murah,
Semoga tidak terjadi disini.
Senang berjumpa kembali dengan anda.
That's terrible! It's so sad that the buying of organs is targeted at people who are desperate for money.
I hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel...
It is very terrible indeed.
oh my goodness, this is despicable!
Well, it is just one of the impacts of poverty.
He will learn that the iPad2 he bought is not worth it when new gadgets emerge in the market. His iPad2 will soon be obsolete but his priceless kidney serves forever and is unmatched by the current or near future technologies that create iPad2 and beyond.
@Furree Katt,
Yes it sure is.
This is the impact poverty indeed.
Yes, very sad. Nothing that are man made can replace God made human organs.
Parents must educate their children. They must be open to their children there are more important items they should use their money for. I think this issue is more on moral values not poverty.
Waduh, aku lebih milih gak punya iPad atau apapun deh ketimbang mesti njual organ tubuh sendiri.... kaya gak ada cara lain aja untuk ngedapetin si iPad itu tadi...
iCloud udah keluar. apa dia mau jual ginjal lagi?
kalau aku, tak akan mau menjual ginjalku untuk harta duniawi
Yes moral could also been the cause of this matter beside poverty.
Parents should maintain a close, open and frank relationship with their children.
Sepertinya iPad itu segalanya.
Hmmmm .... kalau dia jual lagi lalu hidupnya bagaimana?
Organ tubuh kita tak ternilai harganya dan tidak dapat ditukar dengan apapun.
It's about money, If i become him.. I thinking twice to do that. But i'm not him..
Salam kawan
Let us hope that no other young people would do the same.
ckckckck miris
sedemikian pentingkah sebuah ipad hingga dia rela menjual ginjalnya? ini bener2 sebuah tragedi kemanusiaan. saya setuju dg mas harry, semoga saja kasus seperti ini tak terjadi di negeri kita meski jumlah penduduk miskin jauh lebih banyak.
Memang miris.
Sebenarnya penyebabnya bukan hanya kemiskinan tapi karena faktor moral Mas Sawali.Disinilah sangat pentingnya peran orang tua dalam mendidik anaknya bahwa hidup ini tidak hanya semata2 untuk mengejar materi saja.
I find this story so sad! I saw the video of this story on MSN. I am not exactly aware of the situation in China (I am Canadian and never travel really much, except in France), but the story touch my heart. What's terrible in that if he had been able to sell his kidney for an ipad, he might not be alone in his case. Some people may trade their organs for money and other things might be going on. We heard about this case, but this one is one story among hundreds of other. So sad!
Yes, this is a very sad story. Let's hope it would not happen to other kids.
It is a very shocking story.
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