Out of 55 members of the Commission III, which oversees Legal Affairs, 34 have voted for Busyro, current Chief of the Judicial Commission, 20 voted for Bambang Widjajanto, Lawyer, 1 abstained.
According to The Jakarta Globe, Busyro has impressed House members with his desire to see stronger punishment for those convicted for corruption and his proposal to make Corruption a Human Rights violation rather than just an ordinary Crime.
Although Busyro would only be Chief of KPK for a period of one year, however I hope that he would be able to do his job smoothly.
dari yahoo saya baca, kemenangannya dia mudah ditebak. hehe
Great to see a new Chief! But everybody makes promises before they get appointed to such positions! Only time can say if he can stick to his words :) I hope to see him bring corruption down to level zero.
Beritanya memang demikian.
Let's be positive and hope that he'll be able to keep his promises during his one year (only) term.
The appointment. At long last. Let's hope his tough words will be followed up by diligence and energetic abd independently tracing, investigating and legal action against all major cases of graft and corruption.
Hi Colson,
Let's hope that he will be able
to do his job within the one year period given to him.
psti menang dah :D
Semoga aja ditangan Busro KPK akan lebih punya taring lagi..
Mudah-2an demikian walaupun waktu yang diberikan kepadanya hanya satu tahun.
@Saung Web,
Harapan anda mewakili banyak orang di Indonesia.
@ Harry...
I would have gone with the other guy!
Hi Rob
The parliament chooses the man suitable only for themselves, and for only one year.
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