That's what I thought when I read the news about the Governor of West Sumatra Irwan Prayitno going to Germany although part of the province, the Islands of Mentawai is under the state of emergency after struck by Tsunami on Monday 25 October killing more than 400 people.
Please find below the story that I have quoted from The Jakarta Globe.
Breaking News: West Sumatra Governor Heads to Germany as Tsunami Disaster Continues
Jakarta Globe November 03, 2010
Jakarta. As the Mentawai Islands continue to struggle to deal with the loss of life and emergency response in the wake of the tsunami disaster, West Sumatra Governor Irwan Prayitno has departed for Europe for unclear reasons.
Irman Gusman, head of Regional Representatives Council (DPD), confirmed on Wednesday that Irwan, a politician from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), had left Indonesia and was en route to Germany.
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dengar beritanya guberur sumbar malah ke jerman,,pdahal daerahnya lg terkna musibah,....
Hey harry I like the new template.
Hope you are all well down there in Indonesia
Pray For Indonesia
Terima kasih kembali, juga telah komentar balik.
Thanks for your updated news. It's very interesting and useful indeed ! I've put a link to Multibrand at the navigation bar on ARTS & AUTOS
Sangat menyedihkan!
Padahal Presiden, Wapres, menteri2, pejabat2 tinggi lainnya berama2 kedaerah dia.
Thank you for your kind words.
SSenang berjumpa lagi dengan anda.
@Pak Utomo,
Thanks a lot, I am glad you like my blog. I'll check your blog.
shocker... Should we be surprise?
If a captain abandons his sinking ship before other passengers and other members of the crew have been saved, his career will be finished.
If a politician/administrator abandons his people who are in a state of lethal emergency and/or in a desperate situation which calls for aid, he should resign or removed from office or voted out of office at next elections.
Hello my friend!
It is so interesting that I found you so far away the other part of the world!
I am very interested about your country and what happened there with you !
Thanks for all information you provide!
Have a nice day!
I will put your blog in my will be easy for me to find your updates!
I do not know what to say. probably true that he was frustrating. but as a governor, his actions can not be justified.
I am very sad ro read a news like this
The leader escapes when the people need him? It's horrible. But he has come to his own stupid decision, next time at the election when he needs the people for the votes, I hope people will leave him back in despair. Take that!
@Dream Catcher,
Yeah it's no surprise if a politician do that.
I have doubts on politicians non of them are worth my trust. Every results of elections are always bad.
Thank you, it means a lot to me.
I'll check you blog which reminds me of your beautiful country Rumania.
You are right, his action cannot be justified.
@Mobil Keluarga Terbaik,
Very sad indeed my friend
I also hope that people would not give their votes to him in nest election,
I'm worried about people living in those regions of the tsunami. You know the people united will never be beaten? We need better choose our rulers! I'm fine. I hope that you too are fine. In my blog and in my songs, it's all cry 'Peace, love and social justice to my country and the world. Especially my "brethren" of the Indonesian region and all affected by the tsunami.
moga Indonesia selalu jaya
@Nice Veloso,
Thank you for your sympathy.
I hope that I can listen to your song. Yes we need to carefully choose our leaders.
Semoga Indonesia selalu jaya!
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