Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bank Century Case Update

After four months of "investigation", yesterday the House of Representative's Special Commitee on the Bank Century case conducted its final session. As predicted, the session was chaotic, inside and outside the House's building.

Outside, around 20,000 students, anti-corruption activists and other activists demonstrated to give some sort of pressure to the 560 members of the House to make proper decision on the mysterious bailout that costed 6.7 Trillion Rupiah of tax payers money.

And inside, members of the House defended their perceptions of the case, as follows :
1) Four political parties (PDIP,Golkar, PKS & Hanura) claimed that the bail out was illegally and
    demanded that former Governor of Central Bank, current Vice President Boediono, and Finance 
    Minister Sri Mulyani should be responsible;
2) Two political parties, including the ruling Democrat Party(PD), claimed that the bail out was legal
3) Three political parties claimed that the bail out was illegal without mentioning any names.

The Democrat Party (PD) was very annoyed that the above four parties that have been very agressive includes two members of their Coalition i.e Golkar and PKS. PD tried to lobby both parties to change their stance. One of PD's lobbyists is President SBY's Special Assistant for Natural Disasters i.e. Andi Arief who accused Muhamad Makhbuhin of PKS of issuing an unsettled LC amounting   to US$ 22,500,000.00 with the Bank Century.

After the Head of Special Committee Idrus Markham finished delivering his final report, the House Speaker Marzuki Alie closed the session causing overwhelming protests from the opposing members.
After several hours, the House leaders announced that the Session will be continued the next day i.e. today, during which they would make decision on the case by voting.

I only hope that the members of the House would make their decisions on this cased merely based on the best interests of the people of Indonesia, not on their political parties' interests (I'll keep my fingers crossed).

Source :  Various mass media (TV, Radio, Papers, websites)


A. Drewes said...

Following from blog catalog, please follow me back =)


colson said...

These MP's made a mess of the issue. I sincerely and passionately join you in keeping fingers crossed.

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot. I will surely follow yours later on.

Yes, all we do right now is hope that the MPs would take side on the people.

Unknown said...

Wow..chaotic indeed.What was the findings of the Head of Special Committee Idrus Markham.Are there proof of breach of regulations.If there are proof of either a breach or not why is there so much consensus.Mind boggling lol.

Unknown said...

Yes, mind goggling indeed.
Until 1 pm, latest position is:
5 political parties consider that the bail out was illegal.
4 consider it legal
After 7 1/2 hours scorced, the meeting starts again right now at 7.37 pm with an agenda to make decision by open voting:
1) the Bailout was Legal
2) the Bailout was Illegal
So the status of this case would highly depend on the result of voting.