Last Friday, Jefferson Rumajar, Mayor of Tomohon, was sworn in to serve his second term in office, and Jimmy Eman as Deputy Mayor.
The ceremony took place at the Ministry of Home Affairs in Jakarta, because since September Rumajar has been detained by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as Suspect in a Corruption case that is now being tried at a Court in Jakarta.
After the ceremony, Rumajar, member of the Golkar Party, returned to jail to induct 28 officials of the town of Tomohon, North Sulawesi.
Rumajar told reporters that although he will be in jail until the Court determine his legal status, however there will not be any problem because Deputy Mayor Jimmy Eman who will serve as Acting Mayor.
Meanwhile, Governor of North Sulawesi Sarundayang said that Rumajar will be suspended from his position as Mayor and Jimmy Eman shall become Acting Mayor. He also said that the induction of 28 officials by Rumajar was not legitimate.
The induction of a crime suspect is possible based on the Chief of Region Law 20044 which adopted the concept of Presumption of Innocent i.e a person is assumed innocent until there is a final court verdict which determine otherwise.
In this case, Rumajar's position as Mayor will be determined after there is a final Court Verdict. If he is found guilty, his position shall be canceled, otherwise he would be be an effective Mayor.
The above shows that the sworn in of a Crime Suspect to serve as a Mayor has created uncertainty on who will lead the town, therefore should be avoided. For which purpose, I hope that Crime Suspects should not be allowed to participate as candidate in elections.
For details on the above, please read the following articles ::
- Graft Suspect Made Mayor in North Sulawesi (The Jakarta Globe)
- Graft-suspect incumbent sworn in as Tomohon Mayor (The Jakarta Post)
- Walikota Tomohon Dinonaktifkan (Metrotv)
Photo: Courtesy of Media Palu
nama kota itu saya pernah dengar. daerah mana ya itu..
does this mean the community trusts him enough to re-elect him?
"In making a candle, we seek for light; in studying a book, we
seek for reason; light, to illuminate a dark chamber; reason, to enlighten men's heart" - Chinese Proverb
The same can be said when we elect/appoint someone to hold a fiduciary/public position i.e to act for and on behalf of the public in matters which give rise to a relationship of trust and confidence.I totally agree with you.
Sounds strange, their has to be a reason the people voted him back into power. Look at former Washington D.C. Mayor Marion Barry who was caught smoking crack then re elected back into office.
corruption seems to have become our indigenous culture
until rooted to the corners of the country
Kota Tomohon, di Sulawesi Utara.
@Furree Katt,
You can say that, but the point is that it has caused uncertainty on the government in the province.
Because his position depends on final decision of the courts which can take a long time i.e district court, high court, supreme court.
And that's not healthy!
I love the beautiful quote, as always.
There is a political power play here whereby the Mayor is a member of a major political party that supports the coalition government in Indonesia. If he is a member of small opposition party I am sure he would not be allowed to participate as candidate.
This can only happen because he is a member of a major party that support the national government.
Otherwise he would not be allowed to join the election.
@Wisata Murah,
Corruption plagued our country, so the people should make efforts to fight it. We cannot just rely on the government, law enforcement, parliament, judiciary bodies.
Lagi-lagi tentang Korupsi.... kapan ya pemberitaan tentang orang2 penting itu berubah alur bukan tentang korupsi tapi tentang kinerja baiknya :P
Halo Ferdinand,
Memang berita korupsi sangat membosankan, tapi harus tetap disebar agar tidak menyebar.
Mudah2an keadaan akan segera berubah.
Apart from legality it should be good practice that officials who are being officially prosecuted for crime, should step down. That's a matter of administrative decency and health.
Hi Colson,
That's how candidates in election should do. But considering that they don't seemed to realize about this ethical manner it would be better if the election committee do not allow them. For that purpose the la should be revised accordingly.
But then again, it would be difficult to expect law makers do that, because it would cut their rights.
Pendukung nya banyak barangkali kok bisa2nya terdakwa korupsi terpilih lagi... Prosesnya gimana sih? memangnya gubernur dan menteri dalam negeri gak tau apa2? Kayaknya gak mungkin deh...
Sama aja kayak Nurdin Halid yang udah disuruh2 turun karena terdakwa korupsi tapi teuteup aja jadi ketua PSSI
Halo Ria/The Dream Catcher,
Pendukung utamanya adalah partainya: Golkar anggota koalisi pemerintah, ditambah dengan kemampuan finasial yang kuat, membuatnya punya posisi tawar yang tinggi.
Sama halnya dengan Nurdin Halid yang juga anggota Golkar.
Ini bisa terjadi karena partai SBY: Demokrat tidak mendapat suara yang kuat dalam pemilu 2009.
Jadi walaupun SBY dipilih lebih dari 60% suara, dia sangat tergantung pada koalisi.
that's why i never concern to know about politician, make me sick, anyway
it sounds ill
oh sulawesi toh..
btw, gayus pengen jadi salah satu staf KPK ya? cckckck
@Ade Truna,
I agree that politicians often make us sick, but every country need them to govern.
Gayus bisa merasa dirinya hebat karena ada yang kekuatan politik besar yang memanfaatkannya untuk kepentingan mereka.
halo mas saya malah masih mikir tentang pernyataan seorang anggota DPR kemarin bahwa kalau kasus gayus diungkap maka Stabilitas dan ekomomi RI akan terguncang wah sedimian besarnyakah orang dibelakang gayus
Berpikir Positif,
Menurut UUD SBY harus mengakhiri kekuasaannya pada 2014. Oleh sebab itu semua partai politik berlomba2 untuk menjagokan calonnya dalam pemilu dan pilpres 2014.
Yang paling menonjol adalah Golkar dnegan calon Aburizal Bakrie.
Kasus Gayus jadi sangat menonjol karena dia telah membantu masalah pajak perusahaan2 milik Bakrie.
Di pengadilan hal ini tak muncul. Oleh karena itu Partai Demokrat berusaha menunjukkan pada masyarakat keterkaitan Gayus dengan Bakrie, antara lain dia pergi ke Bali menemui Bakrie.
Creates a climate of uncertainty and a lack of credibility. Hope it is sorted out pretty soon.
Hi Peter,
You are right it has created uncertainty and lack of credibility.
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