Last Tuesday, 9 June 2009, Manohara Odelia Pinot (17) filed a report with the National Police about the Torture & Rape committed against her by her husband Prince Fakhry (31) of the Kingdom of Kelantan, Malaysia. (Photo:courtesy of Detik)
Detik reported that Manohara was accompanied by her mother and attorneys a.o Hotman Paris Hutapea. According to Mano, she also reported the King and Queen of Kelantan, Aircraft Pilot Zakaria, Ichsan (Indonesian), the bodyguard of Fakhry i.e. Soberi & wife.
Hotman Paris said that they were accussed of committing 11 crimes stipulated by our Penal Code a.o Art 285 (Rape), Art. 333 (Kidnapping), which carry total punnishment of 70 years imprisonment.
Afterwards, Manohara went to the RSCM General Hospital for Foresic Tests. After the test Forensic Expert Dr. Mu'nim Idris said that Mano has suffered a Second Degree Violence causing serius wounds.
According to Suara Karya, the Police Spokesman Abubakar Nataprawira said that the Indonesian cannot process the case because the location of crime was not in Indonesia, but in Kelantan, Malaysia. He suggested that she go to the Department of Foreign Affairs to follow up the case to Malaysia.
In this regards, spokesman of the Dept. Foreign Affairs Teuku Faizasyah suggested Mano to file a report with Malasian Police, for which purpose the Department shall provide assistance.
Meanwhile, the New Strait Times reported that Prince Fakhry has lodged also lodged a report with the Police in Kuala Lumpur last Thursday, 11 June denying allegations made against him by Manohara, her mother and other parties.
The above result of Police report has actually been predicted by Mano's ex lawyer O.C. Kaligis who resigned because Mano has not been serious in taking action against her husband. He said that since her return on 31 May, instead of taking forensic test, Mano & her mother prefered to be busy talking to the media.
I would say go to Belgium under Belgium law you can accuse a person living in other countries if that person has commited serious crimes i think this law passes some 3 years ago and people have used it in the past .if my memory is right last year some maids of a Saudy prince filed a case against ther master while they were on holiday there with their master.
Hi Will,
Thank you for your suggestion.
However, does such law applicable for non Belgians, and the Locus Delicti (place of crime) is outside Belgium?
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