This afternoon, the Indonesian Air Force loose another aircraft and 4 of its 7 air crews when a Puma 3306 Helicopter crashed down at Tatang Santani Airfield, Bogor, West Java, shortly after taking off. (Photo: courtesy of Viva News)
VivaNews quoted the Air Force's Operation I Commander Vice Marshal Imam Sufaat as saying that the helicopter was going through a second test flight, first one was at 7 am same day, after being repaired in Bandung for the very bad damaged it suffered six months ago. He added that the helicopter was having problem with its Automatic Pilot system.
Meanwhile, Okezone reported that since the year 2008 until June 2009 the Air Force has loose 6 aircrafts & more than 145 men (including the above accident). Here are the other five:
1)11 March 2008, Bell-47G Soloy helicopter crashed in Subang, 1 died and 1 badly wounded
2)26 June 2008, Cassa TNI A212-200 crashed in Bogor, killing 18 passengers.
3)6 April 2009, Fokker 27 TNI-AU crashed on a hanggar a Hussein Sastranegara airfield in Bandung, destroying two other aircrafts in the hanggar: Draya Air MC 212200 and Batavia Air Boeing 737, 23 people died.
4)11 Mei 2009, Hercules C-130 slide landed at an airport in Wamena, Papua.
5. 20 Mei 2009, Hercules C-130 crashed down the paddy field in Magetan, East Java, killing 101 crews & passengers, and 11 wounded.
Republika reported that President Susilo Bambang Yudoyono has instructed the Air Force to give priority on the safety of aircrafts.
The above tragedy is very sad for us in Indonesia, considering that so many lives of well trained soldiers have been lost outside combat, the high costs for training them and the high costs for purchasing & mainataining the aircrafts. Due to which fact, I hope that the government would do its very best efforts to make sure that all the aircrafts would be safe to fly for example by increasing the budget for maintenance of old aircrafts, and purchase new aircrafts to replace the old ones.
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