On 16 March 2011, an Indonesian bulk cargo carrier i.e. MV Sinar Kudus with 20 Indonesian crews, was captured by Somali pirates around 320 miles north east of the island of Socotra, Somali Basin.
According to the European Union Naval Force Somalia, MV Sinar Kudus was on its way to Suez, Egypt, from Singapore, when it was attacked. Initial reports from the crew stated that 30 to 50 pirates had boarded and taken control of the vessel.
In a teleconference between the Captain of MV Sinar Kudus Djuhari Selamet and his family in Jakarta facilitated by MetroTV this morning, the Captain said that the ship was carrying Rp 1 Trillion = US$ 90 Million worth of Nickels when it was captured. The pirates demanded a ransom of US$ 3.5 Million for the release of the ship and crews but the ship owner PT. Samudera Indonesia did not give any response. Due to which fact, he and his family request the government to help by paying the ransom.
Considering that it has been three weeks since the capture of MV. Sinar Kudus and its 20 crew, I hope that our government would take steps to solve this problem, for which purpose it would be better to consult first with the governments of countries that already have their naval ships in the region such as the U.S and the European Union.
The question is, why have the news media not been reporting intensively about this incident before ? Is it because they think that this incident is less important then the Malinda Dee-Citibank case ?
How about the members of the House of Representatives and others who love to shout loudly ? Don't they care about this incident ?
such was our government, media n etc, they always thinking about money oriented not social side moreover fate of the people..
Hi Aulawi,
I think you are right, unfortunately.
From what I know from previous piracy over there I guess secretive negotiations between the pirates and the company has been going on for a while. It usually takes quite some time to reach an agreement.
For authorities secrecy is vital, because officially no ransom will be paid - nobody wants to admit piracy is paying off. But factually it will be done though.
I'm sure the sailors will be released ( like all their captured colleagues on previous occasions) sound and safe some time from now.
Hi Colson,
You are right, negotiations would be held in secret, no governments would want to officially admit paying ransom to pirates.
Hope that the analysis given by Colson will be in reality soon.
Pak Utomo,
Yes, let us hope so.
semoga pemerintah segera mengambil tindakan, semoga cepat terbebas dari perompak dan yang terpenting adalah keselamatan jiwa para wni [abk dan capt kapal]. Thanks Harry!
nice info sob..thanks
moga mereka selamat ya
Mudah-mudahan mereka baik-baik saja :)
Salam kenal sob..
of these cases would seem that our government take sides on who
I sincerely those men will be able to come home safely and be reunited with their family
mav kk lama g muncul :)
mhon doana ya smwa :-D
n mengenai artikel yg kk post
wah sbaikna hrus sgera ditindak lanjuti nih. klo dbiarkan truz malah tambah bahaya kan ntar kbelakangna, n lum lgi klo ada plagiat2 yg ngikutin mreka :-p
Mohon dukungannya atas event blog yang sedang saya ikuti..
Mohon dibantu dengan mengklik "recomend facebook" dan mengcomment artikel saya
Thanks ya semua :)
>>> www.greand.co.cc <<<<
@Deasy/World in my mind,
Semoga segera diambil tindakan untuk mengatasinya.
Terima kasih atas pujian anda.
Mudah2an demikian pada akhirnya.
@Shudlai Ajlani,
Semoga harapan kita terkabul.
Senang sekali berkenalan dengan anda. Terima kasih.
@Wisata Murah,
Hmmmmm ....... let's be positive and hope that the government will soon find a way to set those men free.
@The Dream Catcher,
Let us keep on hoping.
Senang sekali mendapat kunjungan dan komentar dari anda lagi.
Semoga anda selalu berhasil dengan apa yang sedang anda upayakan.
Somali pirates are such a nuisance.
Idiots who wreck havoc to the world. As if we don't have enough
trouble already. Their ridiculous
government seems to be condoning
the practice as the economy of
the damn country thrives on piracy
to sustain its people.
If nothing is done soon, I fear
these pirates may become bolder
and bolder. Today they hijack your
ship...what will they do tomorrow?
There must be another alternative
apart from paying ransom ?
Somebody please teach Somali
pirates a lesson...
Hi Bear Wife,'
You are right, there should be an alternative way to free the ship and crews, other than paying ransom which will only strengthen those pirates.
Let's hope that the international community will find the best way soon.
saya percaya pemerintah pasti menyelamatkan mereka, apalagi ini dilihat oleh mata internasional. jangan terlalu percaya sama media-media di indonesia yang sebagian besar dimiliki oleh orang-orang yang punya ambisi jadi presiden.
Service AC,
Setuju! Negosiasi dengan pembajak tidak bisa dilakukan terbuka. Negara lainpun cenderung untuk menutupinya.
pemerintah jangan membayar uang tembusan, krn itu malah menyuburkan perompakan
Saya sependapat dengan anda.
Tapi tadi pagi saya baca running text di salah satu TV yang menyatakan pemerintah setuju bayar tebusan, dengan tetap siapkan opsi militer kalau negosiasi gagal.
I sincerely those men will be able to come home safely and be reunited with their family
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