Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Attacks on Moderate Moslems and Anti-Narcotic Agency

Yesterday afternoon a bomb exploded at the office of the Institute for Studies on the Free Flow of Information (ISAI) in Utan Kayu, Central Jakarta.

The bomb was disguised as a book titled " Mereka Harus Dibunuh Karena Dosa-Dosa Mereka Terhadap Islam dan Kaum Muslim " meaning " Those Who Should Be Killed Because of Their Sins To Islam and Muslims ", in a package sent by Drs Sulaiman Azhar LC for the former chairman of the Liberal Islamic Network (JIL), currently a top official of President SBY's Democrat Party i.e Ulil Abshar Abdalla.

According to The Jakarta Post, the book was received by employee of ISAI at around 10 a.m. who contacted the police later in the afternoon after noticing cables sticking out of the book.

Kompas reported that the police were trying to secure the book when the explosion occurred. As a result, the East Jakarta chief detective Comr. Dodi Rahmawan suffered serious injuries, one of his hand was blown off, another Police officer and employee of ISAI were injured.

Later in evening a similar package was sent to Comr. Gen. Gories Mere, former key officer of the National Police’s anti-terrorists unit, Densus 88, at his office at the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) in Cawang, East Jakarta.

According to The Jakarta Globe, the bomb was not opened and was safely disposed of. The head of the Jakarta Police’s bomb squad, Sr. Comr. Wahyu Widodo was quoted as saying that the package was similar to the one sent to Ulil, which contained a thick book in which the bomb was hidden.

I wonder whether the above incidents indicate that the terrorist who used to claim that they were fighting for religion have now join forces with drug dealers.  I hope that the Police Densus 88 will hunt them and bring them to justice very soon.


dee said...

This teror for Liberal or Moderate Moslem.. Hopefully this not about SARA again, and not to covered some of another news regarding our president. Thanks Harry for Sahring this!

Ria Tumimomor said...

Though I feel concern for the victims, I did wonder why on earth the police just check the bomb without waiting for the bomb-squad?

colson said...

It's scary. It's horrible. It's an attack on people's freedom to be sensible, moderate and involved citizens.

Fanatical persons tend to get twisted minds. In the wrong socio-political context they may become terrorist, while in other situations over zealous believers would be treated by psychiatrists.

Meutia Halida Khairani said...

i wonder if the message was true from Sulaiman Azhar. hmm, i dunno what to say..

Anonymous said...

How sad it is that a so called
Muslim can go all out to hurt
his fellow brother in the name
of God......

How is he going to account for
the damage done to the poor
innocent officer who has lost his
hand ?

Some people really have twisted
minds. Any religion wouldn't have
made a difference to such psychos
They worship themselves above

Unknown said...

wah makin berani ya mereka. tidak sembunyi sembunyi seperti jaman dulu..semoga tidak terjadi apa apa lagi dikemudian hari there are no terrorists, no boom

Unknown said...

According to the Police, they were done by terrorists, but last night I heard a public figure saying on TV that this is related to the election in 2014. Let's us hope that the Police will find out immediately.

@Ria/The Dream Catcher,
That's what everybody are asking.
The Police admitted that it should be done by anti bomb squade.

Yes I agree that these are the works of twisted minds who would do anything to satisfy their thirst for blood.
I hope they were not were not driven/instructed by politicians as predicted by some public figure here.

I am not sure if that's the real name of the person sending those bomb-package.

@Bear Wife,
Very sad indeed that people would want to kill others just to reach their goals. Even more sad is that they are willing to use religion as a cover for their evil action.

@Wisata Murah,
Mudah2an pelakunya segera diketahui dan dihukum berat.

Unknown said...

We have an unsolved parcel bombing of a lawyers office in Dunedin, NZ, in 1963 - it totally wrecked the office, and killed the lawyer.

The irony was the building that housed the lawyers office, was the Security Building.

These are cowardly people, whether it is criminal, religious or whatever. You have our sympathy for the victim of this bombing.

Unknown said...

Hi Peter/Kiwi,
I am very surprised that a bomb explosion has killed a lawyer in New Zealand in 1963 and still unsolved.
It seems that everywhere there will be bad people.

sawali tuhusetya said...

sungguh menyedihkan peristiwa teror bom buku itu harus terjadi di sebuah negeri yang konon menganut "ideologi" bhineka tunggal eka, mas harry. bisa jadi, ini juga bisa menjadi potret kepemimpinan negeri ini yang terlalu lemah dan selalu menggunakan standar ganda dalam menyelesaikan berbagai masalah. konon, ormas2 yang suka anarkhis mesti dibubarkan, eh, yang terjadi ternyata justru para korban anarkhi yang ditumpas. doh, gimana ini?

smp 3 lembang said...

Saya hanya sedih pak karena sebagian orang malah menganggap bahwa ini adalah pengaloan perhatian atas kasus wilkileaks

Tikno said...

That's the way of a coward.

attayaya_kundur said...

kok polisi itu brani2nya buka paket tanpa perlindungan???

Unknown said...

Tepat sekali kata2 anda mas Sawali.
Diperlukan kemauan politik yang sangat tinggi untuk menegakkan hukum

Kalau diperhatikan memang ada keanehan a.l. kenapa satuan gegana baru tiba di tkp 3 jam setelah diberitahu ada kecurigaan adanya bom? dan kenapa Kasatserse Polsek berani ambil inisiatif menjinakan bom sendiri? yang jelas2 menyalahi prosedur.

Yes this is truly coward action.

Disitulah pertanyaannya.

TUKANG CoLoNG said...

gini efek kekerasan yang terus didiemin ama pemerintah