On Thursday, 23 July 2009, the General Election Commission (KPU) officially announced the final result of counting of ballots in the Presidential Election on 8 July 2009.
As predicted by political analysts & the media, the result turns out to be not so different compared to the Quick Counts results, as follows:
1) Candidates President/VP: Susilo Bambang Yudoyono(SBY)/Boediono: 73.874.562(60.80%)
2) Candidates President/VP: Megawati/Prabowo: 32.548.105 (26,79%).
3) Candidates President/VP: Jusuf Kalla/Wiranto: 15.081.814 (12.41%).
Note: Listed Voters = 121,504,481 Abstain = 49.212.158 (27,77%)
This landslide victory has no doubt makes SBY the most powerful man in Indonesia, therefore should be very confident in leading our country in the next five years. However, SBY’s Democrat Party only got 20% of seats in parliament (DPR), therefore must heavily rely on the supports of his coalition partners i.e. PKS, PKB, PAN, PPP which have Islamic orientations, plus 24 tiny parties. Considering this fact, SBY and his party have approached the major nationalistic parties i.e. Golkar & PDIP but with no progress so far. Instead, both parties are now complaining with the Constitutional Court (MK)about alleged foul play in the Parliamentary and Presidential elections.
According to MK's chief Mahfud MD, the election result can be annuled if the court finds two things. First, there is strong evidence of sistimatic & massive foul play. Secondly, after clarification of the "clean" vote, the winning candidates only get less then 50% of the total eligible votes.
Perhaps that’s why SBY was so upset when he told the media after the bomb blasts last Friday, that the explosions were related to the elections results and have been done by Draculas and Spreaders of Death who have killed and make people disappeared in the past but untouched by the law. Many people thought that this statement is aimed at Megawati's running mate Prabowo, former commander of the army's special forces, and the army's strategic commando who has faced such accusation in the past. But later on, SBY denied this allegation when he met with Prabowo last Monday.
For details on the above, please click here, here, here and here.
Let us wait and hope that our leaders will eventually give priority to the best interests of our country and people, therefore settle their differences or at least have them narrowed.
Photo: Courtesy of OkeZone
Let's pray that with the current development, things will improve politically, economically and ties will be further strenghtened for both of our beloved countries... thanks for your inspiring comment on my blog.
yg abstain 49 juta .....? :doh: sungguh jumlah golput yg luar biasa
Kayusugi .......
Yes we must never lost hope and pray to God that everything would be okay.
Hanny777 .....
Benar jumalh yang abstain sangat besar, tapi diantara mereka yang golput tidak jelas.
Must keep on working. Things will settle by themselves. Have patience.
Anonymous ....
Thank you for your comment.
I wish that you would mention your name so that I can visit your site
Respect the winner and calm down for the Loser
Adrie ...
I also wish that our leaders can show good quality statesmanship so that our people can live peacefully
By the way, did you see the couple Megawati-Prabowo?...
Edwin ...
Mega & Prabowo do not show up
the election also shows that the majority of Indonesian people don't want Soekarno dynasty or Soeharto dynasty again ,,, Hope SBY keep his words that this is his last terms as RI-1... so 2014 election would be interesting to wait and watch the race for presidential election in 2014
Hanny777 ...
2014 election would be very interesting
Agree with the last paragraphs. Hopefully, they will thinking big and have the great soul. Amin!
Tikno ...
Let's keep our fingers crossed
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