Wednesday, September 21, 2011

School Students Vs Reporters

Last Friday, some students of State High School No.6 in Kebayoran, South Jakarta, attacked a cameraman of TranTV i.e. Oktaviardi, and took his video cassette, when he was taking pictures of a fighting between students of said High School and neighboring State High School No. 70.

Tempointeraktif reported that on Monday angry reporters from various news media came to High School No.6 to look for the students who attacked Oktaviardi. After they found the student, they beat him badly.

After they know about the reporters' attack, hundreds of other students came to rescue their badly beaten friend, and fought back the reporters.

The Police tried to stop the fight by shooting their guns three times to the air but failed, because their they were outnumbered.

So the reporters ran away to nearby headquarters of the National Police.

According to Kompas six reporters were injured, i.e. Panca Syaukani from Media Indonesia, Yudistiro Pranoto from Seputar Indonesia, Aldi Gultom from Rakyat Merdeka, Wahyu from Elshinta Radio, Anton from MetroTV and Ardhi from Kompas.

This is a very shameful incident which would not have happened if the High School management and the students' parents could control those students, and the Police could prevent the reporters from hanging around the school.


colson said...

This is a pretty crazy incident :). Schoolboys having a fight with boys of another school is wrong, but quite common. They of course should be disciplined by both their parents and the schools, but, eh, 'boys will be boys'(actually we also used to have a fight with the rascals of other schools back then :)).

Actually I think the main responsibility rests on the journalists.

I wonder why the reporters thought a fight between two boys is a worthy newsitem. Because it is not. And it is even weirder in my opinion professional reporters went back to take revenge on that one boy. An very unprofessional and immature reaction, if you ask me..It is almost satire.

ASPeMusik said...

hehehe,gambaran peradapan baru yang memalukan,kok bisa ya. moga moga rekan wartawan tidak di ajak tawur sama PGRI, karena anak muridnya diajak tawur,hehehe

Meutia Halida Khairani said...

somehow the teacher in the school can't control the student everytime. Maybe they were lonely because their parent never guide them in home.

r10 said...

adik-ku alumni SMU 6 jakarta Selatan

sebagai salah satu SMU top di jakarta, perilaku SMU 6 dan 70 sangat mengecewakan, seharusnya sebagai sesama SMU top yg berdekatan, para pelajar tertantang bersaing secara sehat, bukan malah tawuran

W i e d e s i g n a r c h said...

dikirain dengan unggulannya sekolah dan predikat edukasi mereka, gak bakal ada pengalaman seperti itu...

aku dari SMU 28 yang pernah bersaing ketat,.. dan jujur, dulu aku pernah ngerasa kesal karena sekuriti kami ketat banget. Bahkan setiap mau berangkat ke sekolah, aku sering diteriakin sekolah di sekolah pengecut. Beraninya main pagar tinggi dan satpam galak. TApi sekarang aku mengerti banget, ini bisa jadi pengendalian yang membanggakan dari sekolah kami di masa itu. Ini sungguh memprihatikan jika ada tindakan ceroboh yang mencoreng nilai edukasi dari sekolah itu sendiri.

hajarabis said...

join to hajarabis

Ria Tumimomor said...

semua pihak mesti instropeksi diri kayaknya karena mereka tuh seperti itu udah menahun...

Unknown said...

Terima kasih, saya akan kunjung lagi.

I fully agree with you that by trying to revenge, the reporters have been very unprofessional and immature.

Jangan sampai PGRI ikut2an melawan wartawan dong.

The students parents played a role in the bad behaviour of those students.

Anda benar bahwa siswa kedua sekolah harusnya bersaing sehat.

Memang desiplin ketat perlu diterapkan diseluruh sekolah di Indonesia.

Terima kasih, nanti saya kunjung balik.

Memang semuanya harus saling introspeksi. Masyarakat sudah bosan dengan segala macam keributan.

hajarabis said...

join to hajarabis