On 31 October 2003, the United Nation General Assembly adopted the Convention against Corruption which became effective in December 2005.
Credit: UNDOC
In order to raise awareness of Corruption and of the role of the Convention in combating and preventing it, the U.N General Assembly has declared that 9 December as the International Anti-Corruption Day.
I hope that the government, the parliament, the judicial bodies and the Corruption fighters in Indonesia would increase their efforts to eradicate Corruption in Indonesia.
Source : United Nations website.
come on we have to fight the corruption...
A good day for to ask "Am I absolutely immune, am I under no circumstance corruptible?".
Well, personally I definitely hope so - but I'm not absolutely sure.
Corruption exists almost everywhere but it is stubbornly entrenched in the poorer countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America, former Soviet Union countries and is deep-rooted in many of the newly industrialized and emerging countries as well including Indonesia.
I hope everyone understands the meaning of anti-corruption, because not only money that can be corrupted.
Beat UP the Corruptor!!! :Dp:/
berkuranglah korupsi negeri kita
Yes we should fight corruption.
Corruption can be interpreted broadly to include not just related to money but also the use of time, facilities etc. that are given to us based on our position/power
@Bali Deals,
I am glad to see you back.
Yes corruption flourished in developing countries like Indonesia
I am glad to see you again.
You are right, not only money can be corrupted but also time, facility etc.
Yes we should beat and defeat corruption.
Korupsi dinegara kita memang harus dikurangi secara drastis.
i hate corruptor
cba dperlakukan ukuman mati :)
psti gda tuh namana korupsi :D
We have a former MP in prison for corruption - the first case in our history here in NZ.
@Lirik Video,
I am very glad to hear that.
Dalam UU Pemberantasan Korupsi hukuman mati dimungkinkan.
I thought there is no corruption in New Zealand.
Mas Harry, your kitchen secret is always interesting !
corruption in Indonesia will not expire in 100 years because it is fun.
And there must be a willed it to continue
Moga makin banyak yang sadar dan anti korupsi :)
@Pak Utomo,
I am very glad that you like the secret of my 'kitchen'.
Let us hope that our leaders will soon have very strong political will to eradicate corruption.
Iya, mudah2an korupsi akan segera berkurang.
Corruption exists almost everywhere
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