The activities of members of parliament (MP) have always attracted the attention of news reporters.
The most recent ones were about the MPs plans to visit foreign countries to conduct comparative studies.on various matters, such as : about Scouts in South Africa, about Ethics in Greece, about Poverty in the United States, and about Financial Service Authority in Great Britain, Germany, Japan and South Korea.
In my humble opinion, MPs as lawmakers and controller of the government may always conduct comparative studies to any countries of the world as long as the subject matters are necessary and our country's budget can afford them.
In this regards, I felt that only the Financial Service Authority study is necessary at this time of day While the others can be done locally by using the internet to obtain whatever information they want to get. As MPs I am sure they can communicate easily with their foreign counterparts or others.
Last but not least I hope that the MPs would be more diligent, and do not sleep, when they are doing their main jobs as MPs, i.e. controlling the government, and making laws, especially that until September they have only made 7 out of 70 laws they planned to make in 2010.
Sources :
1) Menyorot Studi Banding DPR ke Empat Negara (Tempointeraktif)
2) Bima Arya : DPR Bisa Manfaatkan PPI (Kompas)
3) Evaluasi Kinerja DPR (Voice of Indonesia)
Image : Courtesy of
the attitude of the parlianment's members becoming increasingly annoying. whereas all comparative studies can be conducted via the Internet including the Financial Services Authority Study.
demonstration yesterday should not be addressed to the government, but more appropriate if directed to members of parliament.
Harry, I wonder, why don't the press follow those legislators closely so we would get informed what they were doing during their study tours abroad??
I don't expect them to learn much from the tour since they even failed to learn a simple lesson that their tours abroad are likely to be wasteful!
Tend to agree with you.
And by the way.perhaps they take naps in their Parliamentary seats at daytime but are active at night?
saya pake bahasa Indonesia aja ya maklum agak gatek nih hihihihi...
Buat saya wajar mereka plesiran ke berbagai negara karena mereka punya Hak Budget, artinya mereka bisa menganggarkan keuangan untuk keperluan apa saja
jika kita ingin agar mereka bisa mengurangi plesiran dengan istilah study banding seharusnya DICABUT HAK BUDGET terhadap anggota dewan tersebut yang artinya Keuangan atau anggaran untuk anggota Dewan benar-benar dikontrol oleh Pemerintah dalam hal Ini Depkeu lewat DJA
I hereby promised myself that I am not going to fool myself thinking that I have done my duty as good citizen by give my vote...
If I could take my votes back... I Would!
I work my ass off and never able to go abroad... They could go with taxes payment deducted from my salary... LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL...but for whom?
tapi kalo dipikir-pikir enak ya jadi pejabat sekarang. hehe
It would be good if people also demonstrate at the parliament, because many government policies are dependent of parliament's approval.
It would be great if our press follow those MPs in their trip.
Maybe you are right that the took a nap at the parliament and active (???) in the night time ... lol.
Memang mereka punya hak untuk studi banding ke LN dengan biaya yang tersedia. Tapi mereka punya kewajiban utama yaitu mengawasi pemerintahan dan membuat undang2. Yang jadi masalah dari target 70 UU tahun ini, s/d Sept baru selesai 7.
@Dream Catcher,
Life is beautiful indeed, but people say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In this case the beholder would be the MPs who ignored all protests.
Mungkin enak gak enak, karena katanya gaji resmi mereka biasa saja, tapi banyak tunjangan dan kesempatan untuk dapat lebih (?).
sungguh, para wakil rakyat kita benar2 tidak peka terhadap nasib rakyat. tahu kalau masih ada jutaan rakyat yang dicekik kemiskinan, eh, lha kok malah suka plesir dengan menghambur2kan duwit rakyat. doh!
Sawali Tuhusetya,
Kelakuan mereka memang menyebalkan apalagi dikala bangsa kita sedang dilanda berbagai bencana alam.
menyedihkan jikalau memang mereka tidak berbuat yang terbaik untuk rakyat
kita berdoa saja :)
Anda benar, sungguh menyedihkan sekali.
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