In the last few days, there are two hot topics that have been the focus of the Indonesian media.
The first one is the demand made by the member of the ruling coalition the Golkar Party that each of the 560 members of the House of Representative (DPR) to be given an "Aspiration Fund" amounting to 15 Billion Rupiah each year.
This demand has been strongly protested by the public including other political parties of the ruling coalition.
The second one is the porn-video showing sex-intercourse between Ariel, the vocalist of a well known Pop band Peterpan, and two well known actresses presenter, model: Luna Maya, and Cut Tari. According to rumors Ariel has made video of his sex-adventures with 32 other women, that people on Twitter have given him the nickname Peterporn. Ariel and Luna denied having played in the sex video, however a telematic expert said that both of them played in the video..
I am not sure whether the above two hot topics just accidentally popped up together at almost the same time.
But one thing for sure is that the Peterporn video has diverted public's attention from Golkar Party's demand for Aspiration Fund.
Jadi ingat dulu kasus front cover Popular Sophia Latjuba yang muncul berbarengan dengan salah satu pengadilan korupsi kalau gak salah
Indonesia memang jago dalam mengalihkan perhatian masyaratat dari kegentingan realitas.
Mungkin itu kelebihan kita dari Thailand.
Mudah2an ke depan Indonesia bisa makin melek matanya. Tulisan2 seperti mas Nizam ini yang perlu banyak ditiru oleh orang lain, agar kita ingat aman yang penting
Mas Patria,
Terima kasih banyak atas pujiannya.
Kita semua maunya aman tapi harus tetap kritis dalam menyikapinya.
Setuju ttg sikap kritis. Btw mas mohon maaf itu tadi typo. 'aman' itu harusnya 'mana'
That's what I love about Indonesia: parts of it´s reality are shady, but one never gets bored. There is always something spicy going on.
These examples show Indonesia is 100% ( well, 98%) part of the global village. In the Indonesian society the same things happen which happen elsewhere.
Celebrity scandals pop up in all officially prudish societies from the US to Saudi Arabia - and shamelessly greedy politicians exist in all countries.
However if rock stars and beauty queens who think it's wise to videotape their intercourse, it is a private ( be it pretty weird) decision. I don't care. Some people may even think it's just pat of their job: to entertain.
But politicians - who after all have got their mandate to further the interest of the country by the people and who are paid by taxpayers money- who publicly show their corrupt attitude, should be kicked out of parliament immediately. I can read the Golkar proposal only as a invitation to corruption. So..
However because I generally speaking sceptical about conspiracy theories till there is enough objective evidence, in this case I put a hold on my opinion whether or not the parallel in time indicates a conspiracy between the crazy proposal and en juicy video. For the moment I am inclined to see no such relation.
Mas Patria,
Oh iya, sekarang saya jadi lebih paham. Terima kasih atas infonya.
Hi Colson,
I agree that political and celebrity scandals that happened in Indonesia also happened in other parts of the world.
Like you said celebrities do all those things in line with their role as entertainer. However, our laws strictly forbid showing sexual intercourse to the public.
Actually my suspicion is not only that the sex video serve to camouflage the Golkar's demand but also other cases like KPK, Bank Century etc.
What happened in the last 12 months show similar parallel cases, e.g handling of terrorist bombings, Prita, Manohara, etc. that over shadowed and calm down explosive election disputes.
I am not sure whether or not my "theory" is correct. But I am sure that existence of those weird happenings have calmed down over heated situation. Thus preventing political disasters like what happened in Thailand and other countries.
kebiasaan buruk yg membudaya dari waktu kewaktu..kapan datang lagi robinhot atau sunan kali jaga,yang membelah batil dibumi yg sama2 kita cintai ini...belok membelok itu biasa...repotnya kita kebelok juga seeee....trus mengkritisi untuk esuk yg lebih baik...salam musik
Memang saat ini keadaannya tidak seperti kita harapkan, namun kita harus optimis bahwa hari esok akan jauh lebih baik dari sekarang. Tugas kita sebagai warganegara adalah membantu sebisa kita. Dan sebagai blogger kita bisa a.l menyumbangkan pikiran kita secara positif.
semakin tinggi pohon maka semakin kencang angin yang akan mengguncangnya
Pertama-tama saya ingin jelaskan bahwa saya akan senang sekali kalau anda sebutkan nama dan blog anda agar kita bisa berteman. Saya akan terima komentar apapun selam tida melanggar hukum.
Saya setuju dengan anda bahwa semakin tinggi posisi seseorang maka semakin banyak tantangan yang harus dihadapi.
... mau ikutan koment aja, ttg itu seleb2 indonesia yg suka melakukan porno aksi : kita harusnya boikot mereka, seperti juga kita menolak 'miyabi' ... hehe hee
This happened and has seemed to be coincidental. No evidences to get clear. So, such a case has been keeping up in the air..
Pointing to the porn videos, this really has blown up morality..
Haha baru tahu nih... dasar dah seminggu gak baca koran .. thanks for u info friend .. godluck
Para selebriti bisa terkenal karena banyak anggota masyarakat yang kagum dan jadikan mereka sebagai panutan. Seharusnya mereka menghargai nilai2 yang berlaku dalam masyarakat. Kalau tidak maka mereka akan ditinggalkan oleh masyarakat.
Yes cases like this tend to be unclear and those involved would usually denied.
@Blog Ekspor Impor,
Those artists should respect moral values in our society.
@Saung Link,
Terima kasih atas kunjungan dan komentar anda.
sempet jadi TT di twitter lagi
Bukan hanya di Twitter saja, videonya sudah kemana-mana.
Walaupun polisi razia ke-sekolah2 tapi sepertinya tidak mudah untuk memberantasnya.
wow wow wow
hahahaha :)
Memang mengejutkan
Selidiki lebih lanjut ya. "Ada apa dengan mu"
Sir Timan,
Benar, sesuai dengan lagu hit pertama Peterpan
So glad when people comment at my blog, I have decided to return the favor. In fact, anyone who comments will get a return comment. That's my new motto. So when I saw your comment, I just had to return. It's always a good thing when politicians are distracted. That way they don't mess with people's lives.
hahahaaaaa.... Indonesia2..
eh.. kye masi bnyk video mengehebohkan milik si A**** loo.. =p
btw, kunjungi n comen d blogku jg ya..
I am so glad to see you back. You have followed my blog on Google FC and me yours on Twitter. So its just obvious that we should visit each other and exchange comment. Thanks.
Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda. Saya akan ke blog anda.
Aspiring to porn? One thing you can say, Harry, is that Indonesia is not a boring place. LOL
Hi Peter,
You are very right that Indonesia is not a boring place indeed.
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