Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ecstasy Pill cases

On 11 April, the Jakarta Police released two Prosecutors who were arrested for selling 343 illegal Ecstasy Pills i.e Ester Tarnak & Dara Tarnita, because the former failed to meet the requirement for obtaining arrest extension permit from the Attorney General Office.

While this case is still being processed, Kompas reported today that another Prosecutor i.e. Sutoni of the West Jakarta District Attorney Office has been suspected of violating the procedure for handling a case against Gunawan Tjahjadi who was prosecuted for possessing 470 Ecstasy pills. The West Jakarta District Court only tried this case 2 times, on 17 and 18 February 2009. Sutoni read his prosecution on 18 February, in which he demanded one and a half year imprisonment, and at the same day the Council of Judges punished Gunawan with 1-year imprisonment. However, on 17 February Gunawan was already released from Police custody, but was arrested again on 19 April 2009.

Considering that the above two cases are related to Illegal Drugs which can cause devastating problems for those who are addicted, their families, friend and the society, I hope that all the suspects would be processed according to the law, so that seekers of justice would have a peace of mind.

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