Please find below the news about the arrest that I have quoted from Kompas.
I hope that the arrest would stop violence committed by anyone or group of people who claim to be acting in the name of certain religion.
I also hope that the government and its law enforcement agencies would be consistent in eliminating violence especially that we are about to enter the holy month of Ramadhan.
Recent Terrorism Cases Lead to Ba'asyir's Arrest
Senin, 9 Agustus 2010 | 10:01 WIB
"That's right, he was arrested," said National Police spokesman Sr. Comm. Marwoto Soeto on Monday. According to him, Ba'asyir was arrested over his alleged involvement in recent terrorism cases.
"Arrested for dealing with the cases," added Marwoto. Ba'asyir was arrested in Ciamis at around 8 a.m. local time.
"He's being probed by investigators."
A man who preaches and teaches hatred and violence and allegedly has links with terrorists, has at long last been arrested. That really is good news from Indonesia!
Hi Colson,
The most important is that the law enforcement agencies should have strong evidences to prove their allegations. Otherwise it would be just like before when the Court was only able to sentence him mildly.
I hope this assists in the security of your country, Harry.
I'm back on board with a new laptop. Should be more regular now harry.
Hi Peter,
It is good to hear from you again.
I hope that with you new laptop we can read more interesting post on your nice and informative blogs.
Re: the topic
Yes we hope it will improve the security condition.
@ Harry: You're right. Solid evidence is the crucial thing.
I am still confused with the situation, who is to blame? whether Abubakar Ba'asyir involved ?.... let time answer .....
Yes, solid evidence is the key to the legal actions.
The police alleged that Ba'asyir is involved in terrorism in Aceh. Of course this allegation should be backed by solid evidence if they want the Prosecutor succeed in the court trial of this case.
its a sad state for indonesia and philippines to share the chunk of violence from Jeemah Islamiyah. these terrorists often hide in cloak of human right groups or civil institutions that usually leave them untied and free to sow violence over and over again. generally, i find this problem a roller coaster or a "tom and Jerry" being staged in constant order to solve this, there must be a preemptive measure fraught with adequate seriousness from the authorities.
For many years JI has been terrorizing SE Asia, with the Philippines and Indonesia being their easy targets. Perhaps because our countries adopted liberal democracy and honored human rights too much making terrorist very easy to take advantage. So different from Singapore or Malaysia with their very powerful anti subversive laws.
akhirnya beliau berbicara juga tentang hal ini..:)
Terima kasih atas komentar anda.
@ Harry...
I have been thinking of commenting for a while. But, I posted on this myself ;)
Where there is a will there is a way. Hopefully, this time, the powers that be have the necessary will to see this case through and see ABB do some serious time behind bars.
He is an embarrassment to Islam in Indonesia, particularly when good-hearted people such as yourself are promoting Islam as a religion of peace and tolerance.
Hi Rob,
This time the Police must really have very strong evidence to prove their allegations against ABB.
Otherwise the police would lost it credibility especially now that they badly need to improve their image.
Beside that police failure would also strengthen ABB.
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