It is because of this reason that the people of West Java province has elected Actor Dede Yusuf (43) as Vice Governor on April 2008.
Dede's success has inspired Actress Ayu Azhari (40) to request the Indonesian Democratic Party in Struggle (PDIP) to name her as running mate for Dr. Heryanto, PDIP's candidate in the election of the Chief of Regency of Sukabumi, West Java, on May 2010.
For detailed media reports, please click here, here, here and here.
Considering that Sukabumi is the hometown of my late grandmother, I felt that anyone who wants to run for public offices there should not only be popular as an actress, but should also be able to lead the people and work professionally when he/she is elected to the office.
So, as long as Ayu Azhari meet those requirement, I don't think that people would mind about her candidacy
Photo : Courtesy of Inilah.com
Would I be correct in recalling that some people once had a problem with some of her films being "soft porn" or just a little bit to risque :D
In any event, is she still popular enough as an actress to pull in the voters? The point of "star" candidates is to get votes by having people vote for the star irrespective of any policies that the candidate has (or lack thereof).
Good luck to her.
Her past is full of varieties incl. 'daring acts' (soft porn?) acts in some films.
Although not as popular as she used to be but TV/radio/papers still show/wrote/talked about her quite often. Same with her sisters.
Today TV stations have been reporting about PDIP Sukabumi's decision to recruit her as one of 7 candidates.
From previous pilkada, it takes more than just popularity to win the hearts of PDIP.
Some people always suspect beautiful women of not being intellectually bright enough to be leaders; one of the create things about human life is that they often are!
Good luck to this lady; politics is a tough business and if you fail to be convincing it finds you out however good you look.
Frankly speaking I don't how she is today although the media is still reporting about her quite often.
I never heard about what she does beside film acting, modeling and several divorces and marriages latest one is the singer of English band White Lion.
Therefore if PDIP really choose her it is merely as vote getter.
The people of Sukabumi are smart and wise to tell who's good for them. Let's wait & see.
sorry brother... this is firt time for visit your blog. by the way Im not respect with sarah azhari in politician.
thanks for your comment in my posting about http://roomsecret.blogspot.com/2009/12/lelaki-kedua-yang-merubah-kelamin-di.html
Room Secret,
Thank you for your comment, but I am sure what you meant is Ayu Azhari not Sarah Azhari.
Let's just wait and see how things will go in Sukabumi.
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