Last night, the Minister of Religion Maftuh Basyuni has announced that this year’s fasting month of Ramadhan will start tomorrow, Saturday, 22 August 2009.
But this year's Ramadhan is quite different from the past, whereby two largest Muslim organizations in Indonesia i.e. Nadhatul Ulama & Muhammadiyah, tend to be different in starting the Ramadan, this time they both have finally agreed to start on the same day. Beside both of them, there are 3 smaller organizations which have also agreed on the date i.e. Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia, Al Irsyad and Persatuan Islam.
Further, there are other developments which are very good for Indonesia i.e signs of reconsiliation among Indonesian leaders which is shown by the congratulations given by the losing candidates of the presidential election i.e Jusuf Kalla/Wiranto, and Megawati/Prabowo, to the winner i.e. incumbent President Susilo Bambang Yudoyono and his running mate Boediono.
For details on the above, please click here, here and here.
Considering the above, I hope that this year's Ramadhan will strongly motivate the Indonesian Muslims to be more broad minded, have more respect on other people, think more positive and work much hard together, so that every problems can be solved much easier & faster. That way the development of Indonesia can be carried out a lot much faster.
Marhaban ya Ramadhan, Welcome Ramadhan.
Photo: Courtesy of Noorhadi Saleh/Foto Kita
tanjung katung airnya biru
tempat anak mencari ikan
ramadhan datang di hari sabtu
salah dan silap mohon dimaafkan
Will you please write what does the word 'Ramadhan' means in your language.
nice blogs....yap ramadan got start now.
Attayaya ...
Mohon maaf lahir bathin semoga puasa kita lancar.
Ram Bansai ...
Ramadhan means: bulan ke 9 dalam kalender Hijriyah dimana kaum Muslim menjalandan ibadah yaitu: Puasa, Salat Tarawih, Lailatul Kadar dll.
English: The ninth month in the Hijriyah calendar during which Muslims carry out certain rituals like Fasting, Tarawih praying, etc.
Prince Nacky ...
Thank you for your kind words
RAMADHAN comes with a spirit from ALLAH to all of us, it means we recharge tho body and soul to be a better person.
Lia ...
Yes, the Ramadhan enable us to recharge our body & soul
Nice wish for Ramadhan my friend. May this brings more harmony among people.
I remember when I was working in KSA Riyadh to have witness this event.
Lowellpendon ...
Thank you for the greetings. I really appreciate your kindess.
Marhaban ya Ramadhan, my friend
Tikno ...
Thank you my friend, let us hope that this year's Ramadhan will bring peace to all of us.
Rameez63 ...
Thank you my friend
May Indonesia be a more prosperous and peaceful country...aamiin..
Dila ....
Yes, let us pray to God.
I have always wanted to celebrate Ramadan in the Middle East. From what I have been told, it is so much better there than it is here in the US.
Beth ...
Maybe because in the Middle East most people are celebrating it.
You can also come to Jakarta where you'll find mixture of Indonesian and Mid Eastern ways of celebration.
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