On 17 August 1945, the people of Indonesia declared independence from the Japanese occupation and established the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia.
Later, the Dutch, who occupied Indonesia from the 16th century until the Japanese came in 1942, tried to invade Indonesia again, but after four years of unsuccessful military actions, the they gave up.
Since 1950, Indonesia faced separatist movements by local people supported by foreign countries who either want to turn Indonesia into an Islamic country, or a Federal country, or a Communist country.
On 30 September 1965, seven high ranking Army officers were bloodily killed, and the Army accused that the Indonesian Communist Party were responsible for this.
On 11 March 1965, President Soekarno handed power to Army General Soeharto, who later became president and hold power for 32 years. Soeharto successfully maintained stability especially in the fields of Economy, Politics and Security because he was fully supported by Western countries like the USA, Australia, Japan and Western Europe. Besides, he built effective intelligence networks, special security agency, and maintained an Anti-Subversive Law which enables unlimited arrest without warrant. He limited the number of political parties into 3, Golkar, PDI & PPP which must adopt one ideology i.e Pancasila i.e. five principle: Belief in God, Unity, Democracy, Humanity and Social Welfare.
After the Reformasi (Reform) on 20 May 1998 Vice President Habibie replaced Soeharto as president. In 1999, Megawati’s PDI won 35% votes in the General Election, however she only became Vice President, and Abdurrahman Wahid became President. During his term, several changes were made like: deletion of Anti Subversive Law, allowing fanatic religious movements. Two years later, Megawati became President.
Since 2002, some fanatic people who claimed to be Muslim and want to force the adoption of Middle East tradition have carried out campaign of terrors by killing themselves and hundreds of innocent people (many were Muslims) in Bali, Poso, Ambon, and Jakarta.
In 2004, the first presidential election was held and Soesilo Bambang Yudoyono (SBY) won with 60%. But considering SBY’s Partai Demokrat only got 7% in the Parliamentary election, therefore his 5 years term seemed to be ‘shaky”. This is obvious because SBY must to rely on the support of Vice President Jusuf Kalla and his Golkar Party who has the majority 25% seats in Parliament.
Last week, the General Election Committee (KPU) announced SBY’s Partai Demokrat as winner of the Parliamentary Election with 20% votes, and SBY as winner of the Presidential election with 60.8% votes. Therefore, SBY will once again be the President of 235 million people of Indonesia as the world’s largest Muslim country and the third largest democracy.
Earlier, on 17 July two Suicide Bombers made twin attacks on Hotel JW Marriot and Hotel Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, killing five innocent people and more than 50 wounded. In three weeks, the Police successfully identified those responsible and killed or captured some of them.
Considering the above, I hope that the President would now be more confident in leading the people to overcome any problems created by anyone, individual or group, local or foreigners, whatever their basis (politic or religion). The best way would be to eliminate any reasons for people to commit suicide bombings or other crimes that is by creating many jobs and low cost education. For which purpose, a conducive condition must be created for business development, e.g. freedom from any fear, guaranteed security, so that business people would want to invest money in Indonesia.
Long live Indonesia, Happy 64th Birthday!
Image: Courtesy of Wikipedia
Thanks I find it very interesting topic to talk about. Very good work and nice template . Have a nice day and sorry for my english! Mike from lookartv.blogspot.com
Very nice blog and I like your style of writing and also your thoughts. Keep up the good work...
@Mike ...
Thank you for your visit and kind words.
@Harry ...
I am glad that beside sharing the same name we also share writing style. Thank you.
Happy birthday to your country and may you stay free forever
Happy Birthday Indonesia!
Fantastic writing, great details. :)
Interesting site. I don't know very much about Indonesia, but that it is the 4th largest population in the world.
An Islamist Indonesia would be regarded as scary by us down in NZ and Australia.
But a modern democratic nation would become a leader in our part of the world.
New Zealand
@Busstopped ...
Thank you for the wish that we really need
@Tricia ...
Thank you for the warm greeting & your kind words
@Kiwi Riverman ...
Indonesia is a democratic country, and most of the Muslims are moderate. Only very few want to adopt traditions in countries like Afganistan, Iraq, etc. which are closed societies.
What do you mean by closed societies? What traditions?
Hi Rob ...
What I mentioned here is my own concept of the matters I wrote. Islam is based on the Al Qur'an and Hadits of Prophet Muhammad. If you want a complete explanation, I need to study more. What I meant by a closed society is a society which believe in certain concept they consider as pure Islam. For example the Talibans in Afganistan adopted concept in Arab countries that condone cut of hands, whipping, as punnishment. Beside that they adopt Arabic tradition which they consider 'pure Islam' like woman must closed their body except for the eyes.
In Indonesia there are certain Muslim communities whose members don't mix with others they consider not pure Islam.
hello Indonesia
keeep it u
nice work man
Ali ...
Thanks a lot for your kind words
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