“Alhamdullilah!” (Arabic for Thank God), that's what I said after I heard that the Malaysian terrorist Noordin M. Top was shot dead by Police Special Unit DENSUS-88 on 7 August, at his hideout in Temanggung, Central Java.
I felt very happy because Noordin and another Malaysian terrorist Azhari, who was killed few years ago, have ‘brainwashed’ some Indonesian Muslims to kill lots of people, mostly Muslims, by their suicide bombings in Bali, Jakarta, Poso and Ambon.
According to National Police Chief Bambang Danuri, at almost the same time the Police has also killed two other terrorists and found 500 Kg Explosives in Jatiasih, Bekasi, West Java, which will be used for suicide bombings at the President's private residence located 5 Kilometers from the location and the State Palace during our independence day celebration on 17 August.
Before the above mentioned raids, the Police have arrested five other terrorists.
In spite of the above, there is one big question: Is the body in Temanggung belongs to Noordin M. Top or an Indonesian who act as his decoy?
Bambang Danuri cannot confirm this, he said that the Police need to conduct a DNA Test on the body and check it with the DNA of the relative of anyone suspected including that of Noordin M. Top.
For details, please click here, here, here and here.
Considering the above, I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to our Police especially the DENSUS 88 Unit for their efforts and success. I hope that there will be more success in the future, for which purpose everyone in Indonesia, including the Armed Forces & citizens, should assist and cooperate closely with the Police.
Photo : Courtesy of Kompas
Jujur yah, gw masih aga sangsi kalau yang ditembak itu dia... Kalau gw jadi teroris apalagi sekaliber dia, gw bakal operasi plastik atau siapin 1 orang yang mukanya mirip ><
Harry@Business Knowledge ..
Setuju banget!
His death status is now pending the DNA test. Hopefully soon there'll come a good news from the police announcing that the dead body really belongs to Noordin.
Edwin ..
I also hope so. But even if doesn't belong to him, at least the Police has eliminated 3 more terrorist from this world
It is interesting as a lawyer that claims to be a supporter of human rights that you are comfortable with the "elimination" of terrorists without trial.
These three men were killed in a gunfight between themselves and police. Such is life.
Generally, though, it would be better for these "terrorists" to be arrested and processed through the due process of law. I am certainly anti-terrorism and believe that terrorists must feel the full force of the law coming down against them. However, I also believe that everyone has a right to their day in court.
I wonder whether you feel the same when police and authorities eliminate their political opposition? When it is all said and done political and social activists disrupt public order, can sometimes have the public living in fear, and they are certainly aligned with a view to undermining the state as it currently exists.
Just a thought.
Hi Rob ....
You are right, a person can only be punished by a court who found he/she is guilty of crime. The most ideal way is to capture and bring the person to trial.
However, in this case we are dealing with people who intend to kill innocent people by killing themselves. People who have strong secret network, supported by people who preached openly that it is okay to kill other people as long as Al Qaeda declared his/her country is an enemy. And the biggest problem is that it is almost impossible to capture them alive, not only here but also in other countries.
Note: The Police waited 17 hours before they killed the man in Mojokerto. While in Jatiasih, the Police shot after two terrorists have thrown explosives at them.
Rob ...
Correction: in my earlier reply I mentioned in the NOTE: Mojokerto, it should be Temanggung. Sorry for any inconveniences.
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Red^L!Sted ...
Thank you for your kind words, I'll check you blog. Let's stay in touch.
He should have suffered alive!! Death weon't punish him becaus ein his eyes he is dying for a good cause! They should have brainwashed him to like the police then he can see the police do bad things and SUFFER!
But at least that is one less terrorsit to worry about.
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