These gangs seems to be very strong that the Police seems to be facing big difficulties in taking action against them. Maybe because there were some strong people who were involved in the gangs' activities, for example in the latest incident the Police arrested four Army soldiers allegedly involved in a string of assault that left one man dead and at least 13 others injured.
The case was totally different when the Police were facing alleged "terrorists", who were reported to be trained and well armed, whereby they always succeeded in killing most of them and arresting some of them.
The above mentioned facts have made me asked the following questions :
Are the biker gangs more powerful than the trained and armed "terrorists" ?
Or, they were only made to look as if they were that strong ?
Photo : Courtesy of Republika
Hi Harry, there is a place at next to Puri Mall where bikers race each other in the evenings and afternoons, closing the road to the tollway. I have seen police just sit and watch this happen without interfering despite the obvious fact the riders are breaking the law.
But then the police seem to do what they want when it comes to traffic and road management so I am not that surprised.
Your questions seem to be much better to me than the Police's performance. Though, to be fair, I should add that special forces who make a habit of eliminating terrorists of course operate on a different level than ordinary cops do.
I think that the gang are people who always make mistake in our society. May be there's some one who 'use' them to some importance. I just hope the goverment can solve this problem carefully and fast.
Hmm... I hope no one again who become the victim from the gang action.
Well... So long I didn't visit your blog... How are you? :)
That is the price of developing democracy - the bad with the good!
The police's 'refusal' to take action on those who broke the law, including those biker gangs, has made them powerful.
Unlike ordinary Police, their special unit are empowered to take actions freely, as far as national security is concerned.
I am okay, thank you for your comment.
Yeah you are right
Gang motor ini macam-mamam motifnya di Sul-Sel kemarin salah satu keluarga saya menjadi korban dari geng bermotor dikeroyok hingga meninggal umumnya mereka berani karena mempunya keluarga orang kuat tapi syukurlah pembunuhnnya udah dihukum
ikut nyimak artikel nya mantap gan.
gank motor sangat meresahkan...
police are less assertive,, the president must train police to maintain public
Turut berdiuka cita atas meninggalnya saudara anda. Mudah2an Polisi segera menanganinya secara tuntas sehingga bisa proses penuntutan di pengadilan.
Iya sangat meresahkan.
Let's hope that these cases would be handled properly.
genk motor emang sulit untuk di musnahkan..
sebenernya kekerasan dalam genk motor dikembalikan kepada dirinya masing masing ....
geng motor memang meresahkan, tp bukan berarti mereka harus dimusnahkan, lebih baik mereka dibina ke arah yang lebih positif, memang tidak bisa instan.. perlahan tapi pasti... peran serta aparat, masyarakat terutama orang tua sangat diperlukan.
Its Call "ALAY" in the road...
thanks gan informasinya semoga bermanfaat
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