There are so many people in Indonesian who love credit cards.
According to news report, there are 14.3 million credit cards holders among our country's 240 million population.
This is obvious because credit cards provide possibility for people to live conveniently i.e. it provide them the chance to buy things by credit.
The bad thing about credit card is that it drove many of its holders into very consumptive people, it makes them buy things they want even though their financial position is weak.
I know some people whose monthly salary only enable them to pay the minimum payment limit i.e. 10% of the total credit card expenditures, therefore they facing trouble settling the credit and interest.
The most sadistic case happened last year when a holder of credit card issued by Citibank was beaten to death by debt collectors at the major U.S bank's Jakarta office.
In order to prevent credit card crisis, the Central Bank i.e. Bank Indonesia, issued regulation No. 14/2/PBI/2012 regarding Credit Card Transaction Procedures, among others as follows :
1) Minimum age of a holder is 21 (currently 17) years old.
2) Minimum salary of a holder is Rp 3 Million, maximum credit limit is 3 times the amount of salary.
3) Those who have salary below Rp 10 Million may only have two credit cards
4) Those who have salary above Rp 10 Million may get higher credit limit from the bank
The new regulation will become effective on 1 January 2013, with a two years transition period for banks to adjust their existing regulation with the said new regulation.
I hope that this new regulation would prevent any credit card crisis in the future.
Bank Indonesia's regulation is a wise decision. These measures make really sense indeed. It helps to protect individuals against problematic debts. And it even may prevent society against another financial crisis.
Hi Harry, good to see you are back in the thick of it. Credit Cards here are too easy to get, I should know! Credit is just too easy here to get. The new regulations are a step but what is really needed is real data from the applicants salary and job etc so that those completing forms for applicants cant falsify salaries etc to hit their quotas
Thank you for visiting my other blog my great friend! Around the world people love credit card. It is practical. I hope the banks immediately regularize the situation. Violence scares and is spread around the world. I hope that the peace rule your country and in the world!
Sampai saat ini saya belum pernah punya kartu kredit Pak gimana ya enaknya belum bisa komentar
I'm cool-cool just because it did not have a credit card.
Thanks for sharing,happy blogging.
Yes, 17 is too young to have a credit card. Hope the new rules help.
wah, untungnya saya tdk punya kartu kredit, mas nizam, sehingga ndak samoai terjebak dalam budaya konsumtif. semoga peraturan baru kali ini bisa membatasi ruang gerak pemilik kartu kredit utk jor2an belanja.
Many people have changed to Visa cards - all the convenience of a credit card, but you use only your own funds, no credit.
yah, I hope the new regulation would evective to prevent any credit card crisis in the future. Thanks Harry Nizam, always get update info here.
I agree with you.
Yes you are right, the most important is that the credit card issuer must make very sure that the information given by applicant is real especially regarding salary.
@Nice Veloso,
We hope that the new regulation would prevent any bad things related to credit card.
Lebih baik tidak memakai credit card.
Yes it would be cool if you do not have a credit card.
We have high hopes on the new regulation.
Anda beruntung tidak punya credit card sehingga terhindar dari masalah tertentu.
Yes it would be safer to use a debit card.
Let us hope so,
kartu kredit memang membuat orang jadi konsumtif dan lupa kalau KK itu sebenarnya kartu hutang :(
Mudah2 an dengan ada nya kebijakan baru dapat mengurangi dampak negatif dan juga hal yg negatif yg berhubungan dengan debt collector
Anda benar, banyak orang yang memakai kartu kredit seolah2 sebagai kartu debit.
Mudah2an peraturan tsb bisa menertibkan penerbitan dan pemakaian kk.
I would say I am glad I am not a credit card user anymore. Although I am encouraging my nephew and nieces to avail one for themselves to establish credit history. I am also in constant reminder to them to be responsible credit card holders. :)
Good for you. I wish that I can throw away my credit cards but I can't.
Actually if we can control ourselves and use it right, the credit card is okay.
cukup siknifikan juga ya perkembangannya,denga pemegang card yang jumplahnya mencapai 14,3 juta itu sama dengan 5% dari jumplah penduduk kita,
semoga memang pelaturan terbaru ini benar benar memberi perlindungan terhadap pemegang kartu tersebut.biar kasus seperti citibnk tidak terulang lagi
It's a good regulation because sometimes people don't use the credit card wisely. they have a lot of debts and they don't know how to solve the problem.
Αn anti-petir-gempa-gunung berapi batang ΝΕΤ, dapat mengalihkan listrik galaksi yang merangsang magma, dan untuk AVERT gempa - letusan gunung berapi - munculnya mengaburkan - hujan - banjir - kelaparan!
Αn anti-lightning-quake-volcano rod ΝΕΤ, may divert galactic electricity that stimulates magma, and to AVERT quakes - volcanic eruptions - rise of clouding - downpours - floods - famine!
Perincian pelarian dan Misteri Petir
Medan listrik yang diamati dalam awan umumnya terlalu lemah untuk memulai kerusakan listrik atmosfer. Tapisinar kosmik dapat memainkan peran mengejutkan dalam drama petir.
Runaway Breakdown and the Mysteries of Lightning
The observed electric fields in thunderclouds are generally too weak to initiate the atmosphere’s electrical breakdown. But cosmic rays can play a surprising role in the drama of lightning.
A. V. Gurevich dan K. P. Zybin ~ jgladden/phys510/spring06/Gurevich.pdf.
Petir bawah permukaan menyebabkan gempa bumi!
Petir bawah permukaan karena galaksi pembuangan listrik didorong pada Matahari menyebabkan gempa bumi!
Subsurface lightning due to galactic driven electric discharges on the Sun causes earthquakes!
Ledakan vulkanik letusan dipicu oleh sinar kosmik.
Explosive volcanic eruptions triggered by cosmic rays
Toshikazu Ebisuzaki, Hiroko Miyahara, Ryuho Kataoka, Tatsuhiko Sato, Yasuhiro Ishimine.
saya masih belum punya hehehe
Its good to have a strict rules on the issuance of credit cards..people tend to overspend when given the chance.
I'm reducing mine.. :-)
kadang pihak bank jor-joran ngasiin kartu kredit
apalagi jika target jumlah nasabah masih kurang
wise decision,
the credit card here is too easy to get, and too easy to spent.. but hard to paid... lol
hati-hati kartu kredit bisa membunuh keuangan rumah tangga per lahan-lahan
Thanks for visiting my web... =D
They should have known better, the credit card marketer always "help" those applicants in one way or another...
Hi, thanks for your information. Good info n maybe good idea for me n for all. Congrat n suksesfull for you are....
Obyektif Cyber Magazine
Salam sejahtera,
Hi Harry, I have stopped using credit cards and use debit card instead, even for online purchases. You are right, credit card can turn people into compulsive buyers.
Thanks for sharing
I dont' have credit card, poor me! but if i need it i will ask my husband to give his credit card. Haha..
nice blog, this is my first visit,, followback...
@Wisata Murah,
Semoga pemakaian credit card bisa lebih terkontrol.
@Learn Indonesian,
Yes I agree with you.
I wish that you mention your name and link so that we can be friends.
Thanks anyway.
Kalau bisa sebaiknya tidak punya credit card.
Yes strict rules would force credit card users to control themselves.
Benar sekali, bank memang sangat agresif dalam menyebar credit card.
You are very right.
Benar banya korban credit card
@Hotel murah,
It would only be good for those marketers.
@Objektif Magazine,
You are welcome.
Yes credit cards will turn people into compulsive buyers.
Good for you.
Thank you. i'll visit yours and follow back.
This is my first visit here and I just wanted to give a quick shout out and say I truly enjoy reading through your posts, especially about "credit card limitations". Thank's for sharing.
@Info Kesehatan,
Thank you for your visit and comment. I am glad you like my blog.
Good article. You read me and I certainly found it a lot many new and useful information about this subject. Thank you..
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Interesting post and thanks for sharing. Some things in here I have not thought about before.Thanks for making such a cool post which is really very well written.will be referring a lot of friends about this.Keep blogging.
Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and really like learning more on this topic.
Hi good to see you are back in the wide of it. Credit score Credit charge playing cards here are too simple to get, I should know! Credit score is just too simple here to get. The new legislation are a step but what is really needed is real information from the candidates wage and job etc so that those concluding varieties for candidates cant falsify incomes etc to hit their proportion
Ekobrew keurig cups
thanks infonya tentang kartu kredit pintar2 memilah yang penting atau yang tidak itu aja mungkin klo ada yang lain ??? aku juga gk tau
to live frugal and not to waste, that credit should be easy to let business
good your articel
wah saya ga punya kartu kridit nieh...
Thank you for viewing my other blog my great friend! All over the community everyone loves bank card. It is realistic. I wish the financial institutions instantly regularize the situation. Assault worries and is propagate around the community. I wish that the serenity guideline your country and in the world!
mantab gan post nya, salam kenal
Hi Harry..I hope you keep updating your Blog :D
thanks postnya keren, salam kenal
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