Friday, February 3, 2012

Temporary Domain

Last night I visited this blog's domain : and I was very surprised because I was directed to the website of Go Daddy i.e the site which I have purchased my said domain via, saying that the domain is for sale.

After I protested via several e-mail communications with Go Daddy admin, I was told that they will immediately fix the matter.

Due to this fact, I have decided to temporarily return to my previous domain until Go Daddy fix my domain. I hope that it would not be long.

Sorry for any inconveniences. 


Ferdinand said...

Klo beli di GoDady emank suka gitu, aku dulu akhirnya kehilangan salah satu domain yg ku beli disana, padahal cuma telat perpanjang 2 jam, udah bikin aduan tetep aja akhirnya gak dapet domainnya, makanya sekarang klo beli domain aku milih pake Jasa Indonesia aja, biarpun emank kuakuin klo dari SEO beli di GoDaddy pasti lebih bagus :)

Aulawi Ahmad said...

mmm this is new lesson 4 me to be careful with hosting n domain provider :)

Unknown said...

This was I afraid to use a personal domain

because there are few similar cases I've come across.

especially in the long period of inactivity webblog

Jolly Princess said...

Right, Harry. I thought you finally said goodbye to blogging. I had some free time over the week and visited my friends blogs. I was routed to Go Daddy when I clicked on your blog link. I am happy to see your blog again.

pj said...

I was wondering what happenned to ya.

deeahzone said...

iya, kemaren aku sempet bingung tak kirain ditutup atau pindah alamat..lost Multibrand? moga bisa cepet recovery.

Sukses selalu Multibrand, anyway I'm not celebrate Valentine's Day haha. Thanks!

smp3lembang said...

itulah yang membuat saya masih mikir beli domain pak karena ribet ngurus yang ginian, apa kabar pak

Linda said...

Ah, so that's where you've been! Welcome back.

colson said...

Pffft. Was pretty confused lately by that "biz"thing. Quite relieved now though. Things are getting back to normal :). Harry, you're the best :).

Unknown said...

Permasalahan timbul karena beberapa bulan terakhir saya sangat kurang memperhatikan blog ini termasuk memperpanjang masa berlaku domain. Mudah2an kedepan bisa terhindari.

Yes we have to be extra careful in this case.

You are right long period of inactivity is one of the reason.

@Jolly Princess,
Glad to see you again, JP.

I am still around, just slowing down for a while.

Mudah2an demikian.

Kabar saya baik pak, terima kasih,

Thank you.

Thank you for your attention and support.

Fahrizi Noer Fajar Azman said...

I never buy some domain for this time...
hmmm... ternyata menggunakan domain ada masalah nya juga ya :)

I hope your problem is will be solved.. :)

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Baju Anak said...

So Sorry to hear that...

Bola Tangkas said...

semoga cepet beres ya masalahnya

self improvement said...

berarti klo kita beli domain tuh harus aktif cek domain kpn matinya gitu ta mas ? ini info yang sangat bermanfaat terimakasih ya mas atas infonya,
moga sukses selalu

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

This was I frightened to use a individual domain

because there are few identical situations I've come across.

especially in the any interval of time of lack of exercise webblog
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Follow G+ Pages R10 said...

kalau pakai domain sendiri harus ingat tgl expirednya :)

jadi untuk mudahnya, beli domain di bulan ulang tahun kita misalnya, jadi gampang ingatnya :)

Nice Veloso said...

I went here to read the news and whether it's okay with you. Have a great weekend!

Scaffolding said...

tapi kalo resikonya bgtuu nanti malah ada kendala lagi dalam masalah publish webnya,,baiknya yang mana yah:D

Anis said...

said my friends, the easiest is to go shopping dady for only $ 5 we could get into the store go dady, and there is a domain parking, just the easiest, important we remember the expired date,, hihi

linda zhao said...

Hi this is owner of blog, which you commented more than a year ago, I'm so sorry that I just saw your comment today, and thanks for the appreciation, your blog does look nice too :)

Pasang Iklan Baris gratis said...

thnak's artikelnya

Unknown said...

Let me know when you change.

Jam Tangan KW Super said...

OMG...I bought domain from Go Daddy too..n I hope it will not happen to me,, :(

Harga Bus said...

Ikut menyimak artikelnya Gan :-)

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Obat Herbal Infeksi Saluran Kemih said...

aduh harus oper alih bhs spy ngerti

Doni said...

kalo saya lebih suka yang gk pernah ada masalh contohnya m*sterw*b saya selama ini belum pernah ada maslaah :D
izin berbagi informasi sedikit :

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kunjungan ..
salam sukses selalu ..:)

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semoga sukses selalu bisnisnya ya....

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thanks gan buat info nya,
salam kenal

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I believed you finally said good-bye to operating a weblog. I had a while over the weeks time and visited my buddies blogs. I was sent to Go Dad when I visited on your website weblink. I am fulfilled to see your website again.

Doni said...

waah harus lebih selektif nih milih hostingan

yadi said...

mantab gan postnya, salam kenal

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for multibrand sukces......
never ever time.........