Dahlan Iskan is a professional, not a politician, who started his carrier as a Reporter of a local newspaper in Samarinda, East Kalimantan in 1975. After that, he moved to the Tempo Magazine in 1976. From 1982 until now he leads the Jawa Pos Group. And on 23 December 2009 he was appointed as President Director of the state electricity company PT. PLN.
One extraordinary thing that differentiate Dahlan Iskan from all the government officials is that he refused use all the facilities that the state provide for President Director of PT. PLN. i.e. housing, car, etc. He preferred to live on his own home, used his own car, etc.
And after he was appointed as Minister he told reporters that if possible he would like to live on his own personal home, use his own car etc., and not use state facilities. WOW!
On the day of his inauguration as Minister, Dahlan Iskan wore sneakers instead of official shoes!
I only hope that the President would fully support Dahlan Iskan in doing his job as the Minister of State Owned Enterprises, a very vital position handling lots of state money dreamed by politicians and political parties, therefore very vulnerable to " disturbances " .
Photo: Wikipedia.
aku suka pak Dahlan Iskan, dia juga punya blog yang ditulisnya sendiri (bukan asistennya)
Wow indeed! Apparently the right man in the right place. An extraordinary good choice - or so it seems.
The man's antecedents turn him into something special. One who actually lives according to the ethics the SBY administration officially preaches.
Anda benar sekali Dahlan Iskan adalah juga seorang blogger yang punya 2 blog dan Facebook account.
Terima kasih anda telah mengingatkan saya.
Hopefully the Prez would keep him safe from all the pressures that will surely be made by political parties that prepare for the 2014 elections.
he wrote that his initial plan was to work for PLN for 3 years and quit. I sort of wished it was like that, so that he managed to do whatever he was planning to do to improve PLN performance. Now we have to see if his successor is able to fill his shoes.
saya salut dengan pak Dahlan iskan.. :)
salam hangat.. :D
Too bad he's not even 2 years in PLN so he has not been able to see the implementation of his three years program.
Semoga dia dapat terus menjaga tercapainya harapan kita.
sosok seorang bapak yg sangat sederhana sekali dan low profile. Dgn ciri khas beliau dlm berpakaian seolah menjadikan beliau itu indonesia bgt yg tdk terpaku pada serba formalitas.
Hello friend! I am in good health. I'm sad because a friend of mine died. Thank you for visiting my blog. You're a great friend!
Patut dicontoh nich Pak,..
Gimana kabarnya..?
Pak saya salut sama Bapak, Orangnya mau ngoyo, sungguh2 dalam bekerja. Bagaimanan kalau bapak saja yang jadi presiden. Indonesia ini terlalu penuh dengan politik pak. Bagaimana dengan proyek dan rencana kerja anda selama di PLN? belumlah usai tugas bapak malah dipindah lagi, apakah hal seperti ini dapat membuat kinerja menjadi maksimal atau malah kacau balau, marilah kita semua berdoa semoga Bangsa Indonesia tetap bisa aman damai dan sentosa. Dan bapak diberi kesehatan an umur panjang. Amin! alat kesehatan | medical equipment supplies
Honestly I just know the figure of Mr. Dahaln Iskan of this arikel. And I really dont think that there is still a humble person like him who will not use state facilities.
mas harry, rekam jejak dahlan iskan cukup bagus, baik ketika masih menjadi jurnalis, bos jawa pos group, maupun jadi dirut PLN. sosoknya sederhana, pekerja keras, ulet, dan punya visi yang jelas. semoga ketika memimpin BUMN, beliau tidak berubah.
banyak perubahan yg kami rasakan di Riau ketika dia memimpin PLN.
frekwensi PLN mati jauh berkurang.
ntah gimana ntar penggantinya
aku suka dengan pengambilan keputusannya yg cepat
@Yayack Faqih,
Anda benar dia contoh pimpinan yang sangat baik.
@Nice Veloso,
I am so sorry to hear about the death of your friend. Thank you for dropping by.
@Boku No Blog,
Dia pantas jadi tauladan para menteri.
@Alat Kesehatan,
Semoga komentar anda dibaca oleh Bp Dahlan Iskan.
Yes he is a rare kind of leader. We need many like him.
Mudah2an beliau akan terus seperti yang kita harapkan.
Kelebihan pengusaha seperti Dahlan Iskan adalah tahu kapan mengambil keputusan secara cepat tanpa ragu2.
wow...that's his destiny. Whatever he do wherever he go, President will call him back! hehe..
seandainya semua menteri memiliki sifat dan sikap seperti pak dahlan
join to hajarabis
I hope he will inspire other bureaucrats who have been very used to work in a “comfort zone” and use all facilities given by the state, or even ask for more than what’s supposed to be their rights. If that’s not too much to hope for. :)
Hope that he is the right man in right place.
Thanks for a great blog
Facts water pollution
Yes he is the kind of leader we need.
Dari 240 juta penduduk Indonesia pasti banyak pemimpin2 lain yang seperti Pak Dahlan.
Thank you for your invitation.
Let us hope that he will inspire other leaders to act as brave as him.
Yes Pak, let us hope so.
Thank you for your visit and comment.
apapun latar belakangnya kalo orang pinter mah selalu dipake. . .
The person's antecedents convert him into something unique. One who actually life according to the values the SBY management basically preaches.
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