The Indonesian national motto of "Unity in Diversity" points to one of the greatest attractions of Indonesia.
There are around 300 ethnic groups, a result of Indonesia's unique geographical make-up consisting of more than 17,000 islands, and history.
Many Indonesians see themselves first by their ethnic, religion and cultural group, and secondly as Indonesians.
The glue that binds the people together is the usage of the Indonesian language and adoption of Pancasila as national philosophy which stressed the doctrine of Religious pluralism, Humanism, Unity, Democracy and Social Justice.
Considering the above mentioned facts, I felt that Indonesia could only exist as a country if its people keep on believing on what have been pledged by our founding fathers on 28 October 1928, as follow :
- We are one Nation : Indonesia
- We have one Language : Indonesia
- We have one Country : Indonesia
I find it sad that the majority of Indonesian are silence for all the injustice suffered by the (ethnic, religious, or cultural) minority. Our forefather had Dutch & Japanese as their common enemy, we could fight injustice as our common enemy.
Being silence means we give permission for all the injustice around us. This time the victim is somebody else, next time it might be us.
Trying to be a sensible man I acknowledge the wisdom of the founding fathers, share your advice to stick to those principles now and sadly have to second triesti's observation minorities often are left in the lurch.
On the other hand: quarrels, conflicting interests, rows and strife are normal in a huge mosaic country. To survive the dynamics of change they are inherent and even necessary. It doesn't mean society will fall apart.
dan yang terjadi sekarang. mau melilih ketua sumpah pemudanya pakai gontok gontokan..
walaupun begitu sebagai warga saya tetap mengucap selamat hari sumpah pemuda
sayangnya, potensi multietnik dan multikultural ini tidak dimaknai secara positif, mas harry, tetapi justru malah menjadi ajang perpecahan dan kekerasan meski sumpah pemuda sudah lahir 83 tahun yang lalu.
rasanya makna sumpah pemuda sekarang sudah jauh sekali melenceng dalam kehidupan bangsa kita
semangat sumpah pemuda tak saya lihat di dalam diri pejabat dan politikus :(
Think that the soul of the old slogan "United we'll stand, Separated we'll fall" is "Binneka Tunggal Ika" (Unity in Diversity"
You are right, by being silenced on the sufferings of minorities we gave permissions for all the injustice around us.
If there is no improvement, next time we can be the victim.
Differences, quarrels and conflicts may be normal for a society so diverse as Indonesia, therefore the laws should be enforced properly and justifiably, otherwise the society may fall apart.
@Wisata Murah,
Mari kita berharap apa yang sudah disumpahkan pendiri bangsa kita 83 tahun lalu tidak akan berubah selamanya.
Sebenarnya ke-bhinekaan bangsa kita bisa memberikan dukungan kuat bagi kemajuan bangsa.
Contohnya negara AS bisa sangat maju karena konsep Melting Pot dari berbagai suku bangsa yang ada dinegara tsb.
@Munir Ardi,
Kita hanya berharap agar keadaan akan membaik di hari esok.
Untuk itu mari kita mulai dari diri kita masing2 menerapkan sumpah pemuda 83 tahun lalu.
Seharusnya mereka yang menjadi contoh dan panutan penerapan dari apa yang sudah disumpahkan 83 tahun lalu.
Tapi marilah kita masing2 menerapkannya demi kemajuan bangsa dan negara kita.
Yes you are right Pak.
satu nusa...
satu bangsa...
satu bahasa kita...
tanah air...
pasti jaya...
untuk selama-lamanya...
Indonesia pusaka, Indonesia tercinta...
nusa, bangsa, dan bahasa kita bela bersama...
Trying to be a sensible man I recognize the wiseness of the beginning men, reveal your guidance to adhere to those concepts now and unfortunately have to second triesti's statement unprivileged often are eventually left in the lurch.
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