Saturday, February 2, 2013
PKS: Corruption & Polygamy
Yesterday, the largest Islam based party the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) has announced Anis Matta (44) as its new President to replace Luthfi Hasan Iskaq.
Luthfi was named a Suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) last Wednesday in a bribery case centering on the government's procurement of imported meat (details here).
This is the second time that a PKS politician implicated in Corruption case after Misbakhun who was found guilty by the courts in 2010 for his involvement in the fake Letter of Credit (LC) of the troubled Bank Century but released after the Supreme Court accepted his request for Judicial Review (details here and here).
In his first speech as PKS President, Anis Matta stated his suspicion that the allegation against Luthfi was part of a grand conspiracy against the party. I think this is a "wild statement" considering that KPK is still conducting investigations on the case. It could be some sort of a "boomerang" if later on the court find him guilty. The best thing for PKS would be to cooperate with KPK in the investigation of this case.
One interesting thing about Anis Matta, formerly the party's Secretary General, is the fact that he is still young compared to chairmen of most political parties, and he has two wives, the second one being a Hungarian lady.
Beside Anis Matta, other PKS leaders also lead the polygamous life style, including its former president Tifatul Sembiring (currently Minister of Communication & Information) who has two wives, its Deputy Treasurer General Didin Aminuddin who has three wives, and its member of Parliament Zulkifliemansyah who has two wives (details here).
Hmmmm ....... I wonder whether PKS is planing to make Indonesia a Polygamous country ?
Logo : Courtesy of Wikipedia
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saya pikir memang mereka lagi seperti mabuk dalam perahu karet di tengah gelombang kecil.
coba kalaua kita amati pidato ketua umumnya yang baru ketika mengutip ayat bal qur'an dengan beraninya mengatakan bahwa, "ayat ini mulai berlaku pada hari ini"
seolah dia yang membuat ayat ayat tersebut dengan sesukanya memberhentikan dan memberlakukan peratuarannya. seingat saya Rosul saw yang menerima wahyunya saja tidak pernah mengucapkan kata itu. hehehe. Benar saya dulu sangat simpati malah sampai nyoblos 2 kali. tapi begitu mendengar pidato itu kemarin di tv one, jadi ga simpati. kayaknya golput lagi dech, hehe
@Wisata Murah,
Aku juga pernah pilih PKS dulu, tapi setelah melihat bahwa mereka tidak biasa dan poligami maka saya pindahkan pilihan saya.
oh my gosh...conspiracy theories are everywhere!
Yes that seems to be what's happening
Makasih atas infonya sangat kreatif dan inspiratif. Salam kenal.
Polygamy - like corruption- seems to belong to the phenomena from the past which don't fit in modern societies. Perhaps PKS itself doesn't fit in modern society either.
di mana-mana pasti ada yang bagus dan ada yang buruk, demikian juga PKS...tidak semua boleh dicap buruk hanya karena kelakuan buruk beberapa orang anggota dan kader PKS.... , dan begitulah dunia politik... :)
Perhaps that's the point.
@BlogS Harianto,
Berita di media menunjukkan bahwa selama ini partai2 politik secara merata melakukan korupsi. Mungkin yang paling top akhir2 ini adalah politisi dari Partai Demokrat.
Saat ini politisi PKS mendapat gilirannya.
Hi Harry
I think that the best thing that the PKS could do at this point is to metaphorically throw pak luthfi under the bus. Pandering to conspiracy theories makes them look desperate and a bit cynical.
The arrest of achmad must have been hilarious. Wish the kpk would have put it on you-tube.
Yes, protecting Luthfi would make PKS look worst.
People are making joke about the arrest of Ahmad Fathonah, would be great ik shown youtube.
Glad to see you back here. Thank you
who can be trusted? I think most of them are the same. Only few and they are under the spotlight who remain honest
Yes, it is very difficult to find a good politician in Indonesia, all they think is how to get to power therefore get money as much as possible.
percuma kalo cuma sekedar janji saja , kalo gak ada nyatanya
Yang sedang bingung dengan judul SKripsi, Tesis, Disertasi
mampir aja kesini... banyak dan lengkap dengan abstrak, artikel dan semua BAB
mantap bos artikelnya dan sangat menarik
terimakasih mas buat infonya dan semoga bermanfaat
makasih gan infonya dan salam sukses
Yah begitulah, backlink dari google ini memang perlu untuk kita kejar dan kita dapatkan
artikelnya sangat bagus, terima kasih telah membagi informasi tersebut
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Menarik sekali, perlu saya coba ini..
kebetulan lagi cara tentang hal ini.
Mau mendapatkan pelayanan yang baik dan ramah???
Modal Kecil bisa mendapatkan hasil yg luar biasa...
Info menarik dan boleh sekali dicoba, Makasih buat infonya dan sukses selalu.
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