On Monday 24 September, two groups of students from two neighboring high schools in South Jakarta, i.e. SMA 6 and SMA 70, fought against each other using knives and other sharp weapons, causing the death of a student of SMA 6, Alawy Yusianto Putra.
Two days later on Wednesday 26 September, two other groups of high school students i.e. SMA Yayasan Karya 66 and SMK Kartika Zeni in Manggarai, South Jakarta, causing the death of Deni Yanuar of SMA YK 66.
On the same day, Susilo, a student of SMK Mahardika, East Jakarta, was stabbed by two students of another high school, luckily he was able to be brought to the hospital on time so his life has been saved.
The above three fighting were parts of many decades of fighting among students of high schools in Jakarta that seemingly cannot be prevented by the schools' management, students' parents and the Police.
In this connection I would like to quote an interesting opinion of blogger Unspun as follows :
School violence has been around in Jakarta for the better part of at
least the past 25 years. Each time there is an intensifying of violence,
the Government and others make the appropriate concerned voices and vow
to put it to an end.
Then the problem ebbs from the headlines and everyone forgets about it…until
the next spate of violence. This is a big pity because the ways of
combating the violence have been discovered and even applied to at least
one school. The solution is there but it’s all forgotten.
Considering that the student fighting is getting more deadly and regular every day, I hope that the government, the school management and parents of students would be more serious in finding ways to end such fighting.
When I was that young ( over half a century ago :-() teenage students (boys) also occasionally met for a fierce fight - the difference being we used no weapons but our fists.
These lethal fights between teenage students are as terrible as they are stunning. The most amazing part to me is where Unspun writes "the ways of combating the violence have been discovered and even applied to at least one school".
I wonder what this solution is and why it is not being put into standard practice.
pemerintah dalam segala bidang terlhat tidak ada yang serius, semua terasa setengah hati , karena memang mereka tidak punya niatan membawa bangsa ini kerah yang lebih baik.. kasus tawuran ini sudah semacam tradisi, dan benar seperti kutipan diatas, mereka selalu anget anget "tahi ayam" hehe maaf..
We are not sure what's wrong with education system in this country. It is getting worst.
Ethical education and religion application are two major factors I think that we have left.
Students seem do not have any respect to others because lack of good leader.
This is the perfect time for all of us to think and do something in order to improve the education system, as well as our family life. Good family life bring harmony and peace.
@Colson: It has been very terrible that the students fought violently using deadly weapons.
The government must instruct the Police to take firm action on any students who took part in the violence.
The Ministry of Education must coordinate continuously and closely with such schools to prevent violence from happening again.
In this case the students' parents must be involved.
Sebagai warga negara kita harus selalu mengingatkan pemerintah untuk selalu bersikap serious dalam menyelesaikan masalah tawuran agar tidak terulang lagi.
@Chemical engineer:
There are some school lessons like Civics, which were not thought again to students since the so called Reformasi in 1998.
More over we do not have good leaders to lead our society.
You are right that ethical and religion education
I fully agree with your suggestion to the government. Have a great week ahead, mas Harry !
I fully agree with your suggestion to the government. Have a great week ahead, mas Harry !
Nice article :-)
Saya sangat sependapat dengan agan :-)
@Pak Utomo,
Thank you for you comment.
@Pabx Panasonic,
Thank you.
@Peluang Bisnis Online,
Terima kasih atas komentarnya.
bagaimana masa depan anak bangsa kalau masih kecil sudah berkelahi..
Pantas saja pelajar pada tawuran, Anggota dewan saja pernah tawuran, apalagi aparatnya, Berita yang masih hangat Anggota TNI AU aniaya wartawan di depan anak SD. tuh kan....
Tawuran antara anaka pelajar harus dapat ditangani secara serius jangan sampai lah menjadi budaya atau tren, bisa2 merusak moral generasi kita saat ini dan yang akan datang..
@Tour & Travel:
Mudah2an pihak2 yang berwenang dapat segera menemukan cara terbaik dan benar untuk menyelesaikannya.
Mari kita berharap dengan optimis bahwa para petinggi negara kita akan memperbaiki pola pikir dan tingkah laku mereka 100% demi kepentingan bangsa dan negara.
Semoga harapan anda dan kita semua bisa segera tercapai.
Ikut menyimak artikelnya gan :-)
ditunggu postingan berikutnya sob.
sukses terus buat blognya kawan.. heheh
Seharusnya disalurkan bakatnya bagi yang suka tawuran, masukin saja ke ring tinju biar jadi atlit berprestasi, seperti anak anak solo bisa buat mobil kan hal yang positif, kayaknya nga tersalurkan hobinya itu anak tawuran melulu.
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